Trip Report to Northern Europe for National Science Foundation Project (April 2003) Document Trip Report to Northern Europe for National Science Foundation Project (April 2003)
Feasibility-Level Design of New Generation Polar Research Vessel (PRV) (May 2003) Document Feasibility-Level Design of New Generation Polar Research Vessel (PRV) (May 2003)
Presentation Slides: New Generation Polar Research Vessel Document Presentation Slides: New Generation Polar Research Vessel
Polar Research Vessel Project Review Meeting - Presented to ARVOC at MBARI (July/Aug 2003) Document Polar Research Vessel Project Review Meeting - Presented to ARVOC at MBARI (July/Aug 2003)
Memorandum of Agreement between the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of Shipbuilding and Technology - February 10, 2003 Document Memorandum of Agreement between the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of Shipbuilding and Technology - February 10, 2003
Feasibility Design Studies for the Polar Research Vessel (Sept 2003) Document Feasibility Design Studies for the Polar Research Vessel (Sept 2003)
Overview Feasibility-Level Design Study for a Polar Research VesselPresented to ARVOC in Arlington, VA (Nov 2003) Document Overview Feasibility-Level Design Study for a Polar Research VesselPresented to ARVOC in Arlington, VA (Nov 2003)