

SCOAR Town Hall at the 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting

The UNOLS Science Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR) will host a Town Hall (937-TH19) at the 2022 Ocean Sciences on Expanding the Reach of the Research Fleet: Autonomous (and Piloted) Airborne Systems in Support of Ocean Sciences.

The Town Hall is scheduled for Friday, February 25 from 12:00 pm eastern standard time and will be held virtually. The community will have the opportunity to hear the latest information about the use of airborne resources to enhance oceanographic research as well as discuss ideas on how aircraft can be used to enhance marine science in the future.

The Town Hall will include a series of lightning presentations where scientists are invited to present one slide in 1-3 minutes discussing any of the following:

  • how they have used aircraft in their respective research
  • how they would like to use aircraft to support their science
  • ideas on the future use of aircraft to support marine science.

The session is about both sharing what has been done and gaining insights on what else might be possible and further, what requirements future science may have. This will be the first in a series of discussions hosted by SCOAR.

We hope you will be a part of the discussion and consider presenting a slide. If you have used, hope to use or have ideas on how airborne resources can expand oceanographic research, please sign up here.

This is a great, informal opportunity to learn about and be a part of the oceanographic aircraft community.

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Virtual - See Ocean Sciences website for link

The DeSSC 2022 Spring Meeting is scheduled for 25-26 May 2022

The in-person DeSSC meeting has been POSTPONED. 

See the agenda below for the abbreviated Virtual DeSSC Meeting. 

Login Information (same for both days) 
Meeng ID: 968 7432 5334 
Passcode: 395770 
Dial in: 
+1 720 928 9299 US (Denver) 
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2022 DeSSC Spring Virtual - Meeting Minutes - DRAFT 3503.046 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 DeSSC Spring Meeting Agenda 629.338 KB

The next SCOAR Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 13January at 1330-1500 Eastern time.

The agenda is posted below. 

This is an open meeting and we welcome anyone interseted in oceanographic aircraft research to attend!

Due to the concern about unwelcome participants (i.e. Zoom-bombers) participants are required to register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the email.

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 SCOAR January Meeting Agenda 337.392 KB

2021/2022 DeSSC Annual Community Meeting

Read-Ahead Documents

If you could not attend, you can view the meeting here.

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Attachment Size
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap02 NSF Update 1762.286 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap03 NOAA Update 7536.211 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap04 UNOLS Update 1889.473 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap05 NDSF Operations Summary 18962.658 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap06 NDSF Scheduling Summary 6802.505 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap07 DEIJ initiatives in the NDSF Groups 5964.223 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap08 Science Talk - EPR Hydrothermal - Shawn Arrellano WWU 10589.007 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap09 Science Talk - EPR Hydrothermanl - Jill McDermott Lehigh 7692.816 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap10 Science Talk - Seep Larval Dispersa - Craig Young UOregon 28093.605 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap11 Science Talk - Stabilized Iron - Scott White St 4330.374 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap12 Science Talk - Methane Sensor - Victoria Preston WHOIMIT 26091.751 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap14 AUV Sentry Debrief Summary 264.837 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap15 ROV Jason Debrief Summary 272.517 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap16 Ocean Exportations Trust Update 11538.46 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap17 NDSF Facility Updates 27911.916 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap18UH ROV Lu'ukai Update 4433.728 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap19 Schmidt Ocean Institute ROV Subastian update 3249.195 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap20 Pelagic Research Services ROV Odysseus Update 5504.07 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap21 Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility ROV ROPOS update 1391.644 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap22 AUV Sentry side-scan Data 2077.635 KB
2022 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap23 US InterRidge participation Update 7301.66 KB
2023 Feb DeSSC Community Meeting - Ap24 COBRA Update 5856.128 KB
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2022 DeSSC Community Meeting Minutes 259.285 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 DeSSC Community Meeting Agenda 635.46 KB

2021 UNOLS Fall FIC Meeting

Please join us for the UNOLS Fall FIC Meeting. Meeting will be held at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.

Zoom Meeting information as follows:

Topic: UNOLS 2021 FIC Fall Meeting
Time: Nov 17, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 955 3700 0055

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
202 Fall FIC Agenda 301.82 KB

2021 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting

Please join us for the UNOLS Fall Council Meeting. Meeting will be held at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.

Zoom Login information:  
Please use the login Doug sent for Monday's meeting:
Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)
Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2021 UNOLS Council Fall Meeting Agenda 299.998 KB

UNOLS Annual Meeting - UNOLS turns 50! 

Come join us for the UNOLS 2021 Annual meeting to hear updates on the year's operations. The Annual Meeting topics will be held over a series of 60-90min sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4PM Eastern Time starting on 13 October. The dates are below:

The agenda is posted below.  We are excited to have two Featured Speakers this year:

Dr. Larry Mayer

Director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire and Chair of the U.S. National Committee for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

Dr. Larry Mayer is a professor and first Director of the newly established School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. He is also the Director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and the co-director of the NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire.

He received a Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in Marine Geophysics in 1979. After being selected as an astronaut candidate finalist for NASA's first class of mission specialists, Larry went on to a Post-Doc at the School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island where he worked on the early development of the Chirp Sonar and problems of deep-sea sediment transport and paleoceanography. In 2000 , Larry became the founding director of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire and the co-director of the NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center. Larry has participated in more than 90 cruises (over 75 months at sea!) during the last 35 years, and has been chief or co-chief scientist of numerous expeditions including two legs of the Ocean Drilling Program and ten mapping expeditions in the ice covered regions of the high Arctic.

He is the recipient of the Keen Medal for Marine Geology, an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Stockholm and the State Department's Superior Honor Award. He was a member of the President's Panel on Ocean Exploration, National Science Foundation's Advisory Committee for the Geosciences, and chaired two National Academy of Science Committees, one on national needs for coastal mapping and charting and one on the impact of the Deepwater Horizon Spill on ecosystem services in the Gulf of Mexico.

Dr. Mayer will be speaking on 3 November 2021. 


Dr. Kendall Moore

Award-winning documentary filmmaker and a Professor in the departments of Journalism and Film Media at the University of Rhode Island.

Kendall Moore

Before joining the faculty at URI in 2003, she worked as a television journalist focusing on medical, health, race, and environmental issues.

Moore has produced numerous independent documentaries that have aired on PBS and in various film festivals including: Charm City (1996), Song in the Crisis (2004), Sovereign Nation/Sovereign Neighbor (2006), The Good Radical (2009), Sick Building (2014), Philosophy of the Encounter (fiction, 2016), and Jalen and Joanna: A Lead Paint Story (2017).

She has received several grants and awards for her work, including two Fulbright Scholar Awards: Tanzania (2001) and Jamaica (Specialist, 2004); The Rhode Island Film Fellowship for Outstanding Filmmaking (2007); and, the Metcalf Award for 2015. In 2016, she was commended by Crain's magazine as a professor of merit, in the field of journalism.

She serves on the boards of The Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting as well as The Story Board at Salve Regina University. She also enjoys mentoring women of color interested in documentary film production.

She earned her B.A. from Syracuse University in Latin American Studies and an M.A. in Media Studies and documentary film, from The New School for Social Research. Her PhD research, at the European Graduate School for Media and Communication, focuses on race, philosophy and aesthetics.

Her research focuses on Race, environment, health and gender.

Dr. Moore will speak on 10 November 21.  Title of Dr. Moore's presentation:  "There are Many Sides to Access"

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap02 Covid-19 Response and Science Operations 890.073 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap03 UNOLS Year in Review 9714.409 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap04 MFP Updates 1495.368 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap05 UNOLS Ballots 866.76 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap06 Vessel Usage & Scheduling 1584.871 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap07 Fleet Projected Service Life 904.563 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap08 U.S. State Dept. Update 3243.136 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap09 ONR Update 2373.249 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap10 NOAA Update 949.748 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap11 NSF Van Pool Update 9149.108 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap12 NSF West Coast Winch Pool Update 1829.391 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap13 NSF East Coast Winch Pool Update 19050.425 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap14 OBSIC Update 3839.079 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap15 MarSSAM Update 20168.619 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap16 PFPE Update 760.956 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap17 Portable Seismic System Update 444.566 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap18 MISO Imaging Systems Update 19844.606 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap19 STEMSEAS Update 1432.297 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap20 MATE Internship Update 4775.534 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap21 Cyber Infrastructure Working Group Update 1024.1 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap22 SatNAG Update 134 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap23 HiSeasNet Update 8999.893 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap24 RV ATLANTIS Mid-Life Refit 50146.248 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap25 HOV ALVIN Upgrade & Science Verification Expedition (SVE) 22901.256 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap26 Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) Update 69345.651 KB
202110_ap27 1762.608 KB
202110_ap28 6577.489 KB
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202110_ap30 4204.454 KB
202110_ap31 3532.624 KB
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Ap32 Featured Speaker - Dr. Larry Mayer 4176.347 KB
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202110_ap39 146.787 KB
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Minutes 611.832 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2021 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 2621.155 KB