

UNOLS Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) 

2020 Annual Community Meeting

The meeting recording can be found on the UNOLS Youtube Channel here:

Friday, 4 December 1PM Eastern

The UNOLS Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) invites you to attend their fall meeting. Ocean scientists and students interested in deep submergence science are encouraged to attend the DeSSC meeting.



Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Attachment Size
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - Lauren Mullineaux WHOI 7716.195 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - Jeff Seewald WHOI 10058.39 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - Clifton Nunnally LUMCON 1391.998 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - David Schmidt UW 2595.245 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - Deb Kelley UW 4056.868 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - PI Talk - William Chadwick OSU 1742.402 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NSF Report 264.869 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NSF Report 264.869 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NOAA Report 4577.076 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - UNOLS Report 6467.018 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF PCAR Updates 7438.804 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Operations - Ops Summary 3100.771 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Operations - Scheduling Summary 6634.467 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Operations - ATLANTIS mid-life 3875.886 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Operations - Upgrades to NDSF Vehicles 6335.844 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - OET 324.713 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - UH 981.912 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - SOI 12039.689 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - Pelagic Research Services 519.656 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - ROPOS 494.641 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ROV Updates - OceanGate 711.701 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - Imagery Training Update 2543.332 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - User Imagery Training Workshop 968.659 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - Waveglider Update 3017.331 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - Alvin in the Abyss Workshop 3860.636 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - ALVIN Science Verification Cruise 4384.03 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Data Streamlining Request 376.62 KB
2020 DeSSC Community Meeting - NDSF Diversity & Inclusion Strategies 2614.256 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2020 DeSSC Fall Community Meeting Agenda 663.036 KB

SCOAR Monthly Meeting

17 December 2020 - 4:00 - 5:30PM Eastern

Agenda & Presentations

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
The 2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting will be a series of 60-90minute focused webinars.  

When:  Mondays and Wednesdays 4PM Eastern, starting 5 October.

Where:  Register for the meeting series here.

Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Brandon Jones

Brandon Jones Photo

Dr. Brandon Jones is the Program Director for education and broadening participation efforts in the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Geosciences. At NSF, he oversees programs that focus on undergraduate and graduate workforce preparation for the Geosciences and supports initiatives related to increasing diversity and enhancing inclusion and belonging in STEM.

Dr. Jones received a BA in biology from The Lincoln University (PA) in 1991 and his MS & PhD degrees in Marine Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Delaware's College of Earth, Ocean and Environment. He taught five years of high school science in the interim between his MS and PhD matriculation.

Dr. Jones currently serves on the board of directors for the American Geophysical Union and the Environmental Leadership Program. He is also a member of the Dean's Advisory Council for the University of Delaware's College of Earth, Ocean and Environment. He continues to be an active mentor for historically underrepresented students interested in STEM.

Session Themes:

  • 05 October, Monday:  UNOLS Updates, Vessel Operations & Scheduling - Watch here!
  • 07 October, Wednesday: Agency Reports - Watch here!
  • 12 October, Monday:  OFF (Columbus Day)
  • 14 October, Wednesday:  Facility Updates - Watch here!
  • 19 October, Monday:  Instrumentation & Data Facilities - Watch here!
  • 21 October, Wednesday:  Satellite Communications & Cybersecurity - Watch here!
  • 26 and 28 October:  OFF (RVTEC meeting)
  • 02 November, Monday:  Keynote Speaker & Outreach - Watch here!
  • 04 November, Wednesday:  Fleet Renewal Updates - Watch here!
  • 09 November, Monday:  Committee Reports - Watch here!

A playlist of all the meetings is available on the UNOLS YouTube page.

See the Agenda below for more details.

NOTE:  No sessions will be held on Monday 12October (Columbus Day) or the week of 26 October (RVTEC meeting)

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Participant List 67.424 KB
US ARF COVID-19 Response 4142.369 KB
2020 & 2021 Vessel Usage and Scheduling 1420.063 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Fleet Projected Service Life dates 663.35 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - UNOLS Year in Review/Activities/Update 6840.346 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - UNOLS Membership Ballots 737.18 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - ONR Update 789.614 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - NOAA Update 783.759 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Dept of State Update 1504.282 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - IWG-OCM Update 1094.622 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Van Pool Update 1658.845 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - West Coast Winch Pool Update 2103.893 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - East Coast WInch Pool Update 28235.645 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - MISO/PFPE Update 1198.471 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - MarSSAM Update 1671.88 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - OBSIC Update 4343.426 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - R2R Report 3939.455 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Multibeam Advisory Committee (MAC) Report 3480.176 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - UH DAS/ADCP Report 1520.683 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Coriolix / Data Presence Report 5703.159 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - CyberInfrastructure for the fleet overview 738.586 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Cybersecurity Pilot Program 680.366 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - SatComms Update 2405.36 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - SatNAG update 120.541 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Tech Pool Update 621.41 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - STEMSEAS Update 2825.503 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - MATE Program Update 1139.889 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Keynote Speaker - Science Does Not Conduct Itself. So Who’s Conducting? 3209.06 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - RV Revelle Midlife Refit Upgrades to Science Systems & Habitability 18346.182 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - HOV ALVIN Upgrade Update 11515.937 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) Update 18580.756 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - RV Marcus Langseth Update 2505.103 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Antarctic Research Vessel (ARV) Updates 7211.788 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - NSF Vessel Inspection Program 11301.691 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - Safety Committee Update 96.29 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - MERAS Update 536.301 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - FIC Update 69.057 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - DeSSC Update 12452.409 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - MSROC Update 362.43 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - SCOAR Update 14803.59 KB
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting Webinar - RVTEC Update 127.446 KB
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Minutes 1742.613 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2020 UNOLS Annual Meeting - A Webinar Series AGENDA 1484.35 KB
Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
MSROC 2020 Summer Teleconference - Meeting Agenda 128.136 KB

2020 UNOLS Council Summer Telecon

When:  15, 16 July 2020, 1PM-~4PM Eastern

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - Participant List 425.857 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - COVID19 Response update 1162.962 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - NOAA update 759.069 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - RCRV update 3247.05 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - RV REVELLE Midlife update 3739.996 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - RV ATLANTIS Midlife update 4080.795 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - HOV Alivin Upgrade 2818.345 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - Scheduling Update 314.228 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - LUMCON COVID Risk and Mitigation 72.342 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - WHOI COVID Risk and Mitigation 448.611 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - Council Nominating Committee 333.176 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - 2020 Fall UNOLS Meetings 89.428 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - UNOLS Updates 865.109 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - STEM-SEAS update 2543.182 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - MERAS Update 126.985 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - Trusted CI Update 107.834 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - Friend of the Ocean Award 363.517 KB
2020 Spring Council Teleconference - Quality of Life at Sea Survey Update 757.169 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - US ARF SatComm update 1537.103 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - FIC Update 102.99 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - MSROC Update 193.823 KB
2020 Summer Council Teleconference - DeSSC Update 2984.296 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2020 UNOLS Council Summer Telecon Agenda 173.667 KB

2019 Ocean-Bottom Seismic Instrument Center (OBSIC) Operations Subcommittee Meeting

Meeting Site:

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

29-30 October 2019

Committee Reference
Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Center Operations Sub-Committee (OBSIC-OS)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2019 OBSIC Meeting - Appendix I - Minutes 62.397 KB