

SCOAR MEETING - 23 August 1PM Eastern

This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend. 

Zoom information

Meeting ID: 963 4952 2698
Passcode: 906876

Meeting Agenda

CIRPAS Update - Anthony Bucholtz 

SCOAR Discussion

  • SCOAR Meeting formats 
  • How can SCOAR promote communication between the current airborne oceanographic researchers?
  • How can SCOAR promote airborne oceanography in the science community (i.e., broadening the user base )
    • Town hall at Ocean Sciences?
    • UAS Workshops?
    • Sessions at Conferences? 
    • What else?
  • Review of the UAS Handbook and UAS Policy (update according to any new FAA guidelines; reach out/discussion with RV Operators and other users of the Handbook)
  • SCOAR webpage updates? 
  • Outreach to RV Operators - making UASs more "the norm"
  • Recruiting a new member
  • Other discussion points for the group
Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Media file: 2019RVTEC_GroupPhoto_0.png

Registration is closed.


Event Website - Requires registration and login to view the site.

Meeting recordings are available on the UNOLS YouTube Channel

Please see the 2021 Virtual RVTEC playlist


Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix I: Icebreakers 23065.806 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix II: MERAS 60.062 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix III: UHDAS 6927.389 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix IV: East Coast Winch Pool (ECWP) 45983.311 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix V: West Coast Van Pool (WCVP) 1904.371 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix VI: Wire Pool 4753.196 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix VII: NSF Report 998.27 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix VIII: Lessons Learned from a Successful Integration of the EM304 MKII Variant Multibeam Sonar 4712.224 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix IX: UCSD Multibeam Upgrades 2317.389 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix X: Multibeam Advisory Committee Updates 7415.461 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XI: PFPE 1263.331 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XII: RCRV 11661.657 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XIII: MarSSAM 49725.267 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XIV: SOCCOM/GO-BGC Float Deployments 35562.683 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XV: Community Instrumentation Updates/Discussion 118.768 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XVI: HiSeasNet 2556.777 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XVII: SatNAG 211.522 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XIX: ResearchSOC 634.433 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XX: Low Earth Orbit Satellites, Sikuliaq - Kepler LEO Store and forward Beta Test Pilot 1258.243 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXI: UAF R/V Sikuliaq and Kepler 3215.428 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXII: Introduction to MFP 579.768 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXIII: Tech Training SubCommittee 173.358 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXIV: SCOAR Committee 4067.635 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXV: Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) 1262.264 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXVII: JASON ROV Launch and Recovery Systems 3180.607 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXVIII: Rolling Deck to Repository 2851.619 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXIX: 3D Printing 3287.411 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXX: Best Practices 1322.872 KB
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Appendix XXXI: MFP Cruise Planning Introduction 2309.805 KB
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2021 RVTEC Meeting Minutes 1731.494 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2021 RVTEC Meeting - Agenda 72.506 KB

DeSSC 2021 Spring meeting

  • 10June - 1-5PM Eastern
  • 11June - 1-4PM Eastern

Read Ahead Material

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
DeSSC 2021 Spring Meeting - Meeting Minutes 293.982 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
DeSSC 2021 Spring Meeting Agenda 164.425 KB

The UNOLS Council 2021 Spring Meeting

  • 24May - 1:00-4:00PM Eastern
  • 26May - 1:00-4:00PM Eastern

Agenda will be posted soon.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2021 Spring Council Teleconference - Minutes 163.488 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
UNOLS 2021 Council Spring Meeting Agenda 663.373 KB

The 2021 AICC Summer Meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting:

  • Th 17 June 2021 - 0830-1230 Pacific / 1130-1530 Eastern

  • Fr 18 June 2021 - 0830-1230 Pacific / 1130-1530 Eastern

Zoom videoconference.  Agenda and Meeting Details to be provided. 

Zoom meeting.
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2021 AICC Summer Meeting Agenda-Vers.1.0-14June2021 83.027 KB

SCOAR Monthly Meeting - 18 March 21 4PM Eastern


This is an open meeting and we welcome the community's involvement.

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2021 March SCOAR Meeting - Meeting Minutes 163.616 KB

The AICC Winter Meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting:

  • Th 4 Feb 2021 - 0830-1230 Pacific / 1130-1530 Eastern

  • Fr 5 Feb 2021 - 0830-1130 Pacific / 1130-1430 Eastern



Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2021_AICC_Winter_Meeting_Agenda-3Feb2021-v1.6 58.995 KB

The 2020 MSROC Winter Meeting was a Zoom meeting on Thursday, 7 January 2021  0800-1200 Pacific, 1100-1500 Eastern.


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Zoom Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2020 MSROC Winter Meeting - Participants & Meeting Notes 211.481 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2020 MSROC Winter Meeting Agenda - Vers 2 - 4 Jan 2021 273.683 KB