

2014 Annual Meeting

Meeting Site: Holiday Inn at Ballston
4610 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA

Please RSVP the UNOLS Office if you plan to attend

The 2014 Featured Speaker was Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix II: Attendance List 30.449 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix III: UNOLS Year in Review 482.713 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix IV: R/V Melville Retirement 1113.473 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix V: NOAA Report 766.397 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix VI: Membership Ballot Measures 125.297 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix VII: 2014 Operations and 2015 Scheduling process 301.748 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix VIII: Agency Recommendations for 2015 Operations 193.013 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix IX: UNOLS Response to Agency Recommendations 671.162 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix X: Ocean Class Construction Update 4464.846 KB
2014 FIC Fall Meeting Appendix V: Global Mid-Life Refit Plans 247.491 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XII: RCRV and Alvin Update 743.487 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XIII: R/V Sikuliaq Update 604.481 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XIV: Polar Research Vessel Acquisition Status 141.566 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XV: IWG-FI Update 80.123 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XVI: UNOLS Reports 139.546 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XVII: Ocean Observatories Initiative Update 605.542 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XVIII: RVOC Report 28.984 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XIX: DeSSC Report 1371.147 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XX: AICC Report 625.483 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXI: MLSOC Report 1026.328 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXII: SCOAR Report 2526.578 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXIII: OOSC Report 63.449 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXIV: 2013/2014 Goal Progress 156.615 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXV: 2013/2014 Goal Progress – Engaging the Community 157.03 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXVI: Early Career Scientist Initiatives 472.268 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXVII: 2014/2015 UNOLS Goals and Priorities 116.002 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXVIII: UNOLS Reviews and Responses 177.822 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXIX: Green Ship Initiative 609.523 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXX: Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Update 3788.352 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXXI: Ship-Shore Communication Sub-committee Update 196.945 KB
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Appendix XXXII: IRSO, Fleet Scheduling Portal, Website 1744.852 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 96.693 KB

2011 Polar Research Vessel PRV Working Group Meeting

May 5 - 6, 2011

Hosted by:
Stanford University 
Palo Alto, CA 


Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Palo Alto, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
May 2011 PRV Committee Meeting Minutes 103.827 KB

2011 RVOC Annual Meeting

April 26 - 28, 2011

Hosted by:
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego, CA 

Humphreys Halfmoon Inn
Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, CA 

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Attachment Size
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Participants 81.551 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 646.962 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Safety Committee Report 80.176 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Ship Scheduling Report 1316.338 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting RHOV Report 1089.012 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting DESSC Report 513.002 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting RVTEC Report 14.175 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting AICC Report 22.493 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting MLSOC Report 512.958 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Post Cruise Assessment Report 403.473 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting USCG Report 68.216 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Dynamic Positioning Systems 9788.27 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting ONR Report 869.727 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting NOAA Report 4340.956 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Wire Pool Update 4400.756 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Schmidt Ocean Institute Report 3144.665 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Medical Advisory Services Report and HIPAA 2881.723 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting National Oceanographic Center & IRSO 7729.495 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting National Maritime Facilities NERC 407.288 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting NATO Undersea Research Center NURC Report 1593.563 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting NIOZ & OFEG Report 1448.083 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting DRDC Atlantic CFAV Quest 3939.569 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 4831.72 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 130.098 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting PRV Science Mission Requirements Refresh Project 479.419 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting JMS Ship Inspection Program 694.398 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting RVSS Appendix A Workshops 2451.512 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting RVSS Appendix B: UNOLS LHS Design Standards 483.967 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Admiralty Law & Insurance Update 3217.942 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Fleet Broadband FBB System Usage 92.077 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Winch Monitoring for Increased Safety Installation Update 1936.305 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting East Coast Winch Pool Update 16.806 KB
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 707.557 KB
San Diego, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes 2834.027 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 RVOC Annual Meeting Agenda 21.473 KB

2011 AICC Spring Meeting

April 20 - 21, 2011

Hosted by:
Board Room 1235
National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA 


Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 AICC Spring Meeting Minutes 1608.39 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 AICC Spring Meeting Agenda 100.137 KB

2011 FIC Spring Meeting

March 8 - 9, 2011

Hosted by: 
National Science Foundation Room 375
4201 Wilson Blvd,
Arlington, VA

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 130.098 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting R/V Sikuliaq and RCRV Update 7655.18 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project Status 8743.684 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative 13342.32 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Vessel Usage Survey Statistics 5731.058 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Early Career Investigator Research Cruise Training 554.203 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Outreach Resources 2310.987 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Participants 51.805 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Introduction to Ship Radiated Noise 6051.833 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Examples of Quiet Machinery and Underwater Noise 11636.37 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting NSF Acoustics Brief 10611.54 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Research Vessel Design and Construction 4577.509 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Polar Research Vessel Committee & Workshop 2797.267 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting UNOLS Vessel Ship Classes 3591.928 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Ocean Class Advisory Committee 64.194 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting MLSOC and Langseth Report 10059.605 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Mock-Up 2152.703 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Barnes Replacement Report 9801.116 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting WHOI Long-Core System Update 8359.262 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Long Core Repositioning Study 1916.475 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Long Core Repositioning Options 5380.046 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting UNOLS Projected Service Life End Dates 3591.976 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting OCRV Mission Equipment System 58.548 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Greening Fleet Initiative 92.391 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Kilo Moana Load Handling System Update 46.529 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Hugh Sharp Load Handling System Update 474.473 KB
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Action Items 200.325 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 FIC Meeting Minutes 46.198 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 FIC Spring Meeting Agenda 22.433 KB

2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting

March 7 - 8, 2011

Hosted by:
National Science Foundation Room 375
4201 Wilson Blvd,
Arlington, VA


Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Participants 51.805 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting NSF Report 7928.031 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting SSC Report 885.283 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting BP Research Funding for Gulf of Mexico 5595.6 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Polar Research Vessel Committee & Workshop 2797.267 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS-USCG Memorandum of Agreement 1758.274 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting STARC Outreach 1775.343 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Cooperative Efforts Between OPP & OCE 2813.132 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting OPP Regional Class Discussion 2813.107 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Greening Fleet Initiative 92.391 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Establishing the UNOLS Speaker Series 1672.503 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting FIC Report 1081.431 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting DESSC Report 57.036 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting RVOC Report 191.826 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting RVTEC Report 504.984 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting OOSC Report 59.74 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting AICC Report 2194.246 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting MLSOC Report 5536.3 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting SCOAR Report 175.057 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Schmidt Ocean Institute Membership Request 97.803 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting R2R Proposed Policy 42.238 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Gender Climate at Sea 2320.437 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Program 1294.383 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Post Cruise Assessment Report 322.118 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Medical Advisory Service 638.589 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Infrastructure Strategy 2311.068 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting 2011 UNOLS Council Nominations 2311.082 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 130.098 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting R/V Sikuliaq and RCRV Update 7655.18 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project Status 8743.684 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative 13342.32 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Vessel Usage Survey Statistics 5731.058 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Early Career Investigator Research Cruise Training 554.203 KB
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Outreach Resources 2310.987 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Minutes 317.883 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Agenda 22.297 KB

2011 UNOLS Polar Research Vessel (PRV) Science Mission Requirements (SMR) Workshop

February 28 - March 1, 2011

Hosted by:
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd,
Arlington, VA

the Westin Arlington Gateway
801 North Gleb Road,
Arlington, VA 

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Polar Research Vessel SMR Workshop Minutes 75.99 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 PRV SMR Workshop Agenda 16.116 KB
Other Materials

* An additional document, The Aurora Borealis Idea: History and Development, by Lester Lembke-Jene is available upon request.