

2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting

December 2, 2012

Hosted by:
Parc 55 Wyndham Hotel - Embarcadero Room 
55 Cyril Magnin St. 
San Francisco, CA 31411


Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Attachment Size
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Participants 55.088 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF and DESSC Highlights 2096.454 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NOAA Report 3281.268 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting UNOLS Report 808.447 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Early Career Scientist/Student Introductions 2939.251 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF 2012 Vehicle Operations Summary 427.509 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Chris German PI Report 1298.837 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Cindy Van Dover PI Report 1613.971 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Maurice Tivey & Norm Farr PI Report 1540.047 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Tominaga Masako PI Report 1993.407 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting David Butterfield PI Report 1138.926 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting George Luther PI Report 573.82 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Carl Kaiser PI Report 39.34 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Douglas Toomey and Maya Tolstoy PI Report 78.09 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF Announcements 64.17 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF Vehicle Upgrades Summary 7156.042 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Deep Submergence Scheduling 2013+ 327.928 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF Sentry Debrief Interviews 90.751 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting NDSF Jason Debrief Interviews 325.179 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting WHOI's Response to Debrief 214.643 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Early Career Scientists/Student Introduction 2 3298.499 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project Report 3517.143 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting ALOHA Cabled Observatory Status 4242.062 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting ISC Telepresence Technology 5736.216 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Scripps Institute of Oceanography's SIO/STS ROV 733.068 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting AUCV-ASV Integrations 1001.145 KB
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Deepsea Challenger 1984.854 KB
San Francisco, CA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Agenda 120.683 KB

2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting

October 23 - 24, 2012

Hosted by:
The National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Stafford II
Arlington, VA 22230


Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2012 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting Participants 65.837 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Year in Review 84.219 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting ONR Report 39.452 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting NOAA Report 629.753 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Ship Scheduling Report 2012 & 2013 294.888 KB
U.S. Academic Research Fleet Operations Support - Findings and Recommendations for CY2013 - Powerpoint 112.061 KB
2012 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting Non-Operator Committee Recommendations 130.09 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting NSF OOI Report 2957.854 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 510.387 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR General Arrangement Drawings 1491.007 KB
2012 FIC Fall Meeting Ocean Class Construction Photos 5042.356 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Ocean Class R/V (OCRV) Keel Laying Photos 255.308 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Ballard The Use of Tele-presence Technology 15845.216 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 243.286 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project 3093.814 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting FIC Report 57.687 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting RVOC Report 108.641 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting DESSC Report 330.421 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting AICC Report 543.129 KB
2012 FIC Fall Meeting MLSOC Report 245.131 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting SCOAR Report 2899.824 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Greening the Research Fleet Report 550.162 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Speaker Series Update 904.704 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Goals and Priorities 2012 & 2013 140.698 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting R2R Report 4185.446 KB
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Reports 414.561 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 141.58 KB

2012 FIC Fall Meeting

October 22, 2012

Hosted by:
The National Science Foundation
Stafford II - Room 555
Arlington, VA 22230


Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2012 FIC Fall Meeting Minutes 243.664 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 90.691 KB

2012 SCOAR Summer Meeting

April 22* - 25, 2014

Hosted by:
University of Alaska Fairbanks 
International Arctic Research Center
Fairbanks, AK


Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Fairbanks, AK
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2012 SCOAR Summer Meeting Minutes 240.22 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 SCOAR Summer Meeting Agenda 105.755 KB

2012 MLSOC Spring Meeting

June 20 - 21, 2012

Hosted by:
Brockman 20 Conference Room - Rice University 
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Houston, TX
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 MLSOC Spring Meeting Agenda 55.465 KB

2012 DESSC Spring Meeting

June 13 - 14, 2012

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Inistitution
Carriage House - Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA 


Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2012 DESSC Spring Meeting Minutes 216.281 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 DESSC Spring Meeting Agenda 124.88 KB

2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting

June 6 - 7, 2012

Hosted by: 
Harvard Museum of Natural History
Agassiz Room - 26 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-2020

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Participants 52.252 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting SSC Report 4701.775 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Ship Scheduling Report 1567.173 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Criteria for Recommending Non-op. Periods 580.584 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Budget Recommendations for Fleet Operations 497.273 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting FIC Action Items 297.316 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting New Class of Coastal Vessels 493.117 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Group to Develop Funding Models 386.226 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting OOSC Report 50.334 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting ONR Report 1169.282 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting NOAA Report 992.632 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Update 1376.737 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR General Arrangement Drawings 1491.007 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Greening the Fleet Workshop 321.505 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting RCRV Organization Chart 127.848 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Speaker Series Update 767.375 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Polar Research Vessel Subcommittee Report 1156.272 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting STARC Report 585.967 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting DESSC Report 1117.181 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting RVOC Report 171.038 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting MLSOC Liaison Report 529.37 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting AICC Report 1068.348 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Booth at the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting 1264.283 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Nominating Committee Report 555.132 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS at the AGU Science Policy Conference 456.822 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Early Career Chief Scientist Training Program 3910.239 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting PCAR Committee Report 582.862 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting R2R Report 2763.621 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS and NOAA Meetings 377.279 KB
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 964.189 KB
Boston, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Minutes 389.601 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Agenda 147.727 KB

2012 FIC Spring Meeting

June 5 - 6, 2012

Hosted by:
Harvard Museum of Natural History
Agassiz Room - 26 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-2020


Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Attachment Size
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Participants 52.252 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting RCRV Report 392.273 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting RCRV Organization Chart 127.848 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Barnes Replacement Status 1370.01 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting MLSOC Liaison Report 529.37 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Early Career Chief Scientist Training Program 3910.239 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Langseth Report 5821.811 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Long Core Re-positioning Status 50.39 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Langseth Line Island Cruise 63.377 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting East Coast Winch Pool 202.796 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting ROV Jason LARS Update 1443.169 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Sikuliaq LHS Update 1625.876 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Kilo Moana LHS Update 35.307 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Sharp Debrief Summary 393.076 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Greening the Fleet Workshop 321.505 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Fleet Planning Long Range Study 411.566 KB
2012 FIC Spring Meeting FIC Membership 325.695 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting SSC Report 4701.775 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Ship Scheduling Report 1567.173 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Criteria for Recommending Non-op. Periods 580.584 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Budget Recommendations for Fleet Operations 497.273 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting FIC Action Items 297.316 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting New Class of Coastal Vessels 493.117 KB
2012 FIC/UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Group to Develop Funding Models 386.226 KB
Boston, MA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 FIC Spring Meeting Agenda 131.301 KB