

2013 UNOLS Annual Meeting - Cancelled


Hosted by:
Holiday Inn Arlington
4610 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 

The UNOLS Office will contact the Holiday Inn to cancel the block of rooms.

Airport Information:
Flights should be cancelled as soon as possible.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 168.511 KB

2013 FIC Fall Meeting


Hosted by:
Washington, DC

Flight Reservations: 
Flights should be cancelled as soon as possible.

Hotel Reservations: 
The UNOLS Office will contact the Holiday Inn to cancel the block of rooms.


Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Washington, DC
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 132.098 KB

2013 MLSOC Committee Meeting

August 15, 2013

Hosted by:


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Web Conference
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2013 MLSOC Committee Meeting Minutes 77.127 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 MLSOC Committee Meeting Agenda 19.179 KB

2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Attachment Size
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Participants 34.642 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting UNOLS Report 2881.707 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting NSF Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities (LAOF) 598.753 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting NOAA UAS Report 1680.519 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting IWG-FI Subcommittee on Unmanned Systems Report 1677.704 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting USCG & Other Aircraft Updates 4687.436 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting CIRPAS Report 1358.315 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Neptune UAS Report 283.813 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting AGOR/UAS Demonstration Integration for DYNAMO 4409.959 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting WHOI Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Operations 288.474 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting U of Alaska UAV Operations and Future Plans 6138.061 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Texas A&M Uni Corpus Christi UAS Operations and COA 2912.983 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Modular Aerial Sensing System (MASS) 1373.484 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting UNOLS Ocean Observatories Science Committee (OOSC) Update 193.816 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: Stardate Supplement 1238.359 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: MITRE-TRITON 3139.566 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: ScanEagle UAS Standard Operating Procedure 592.358 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: SUS 4-11-13 Meeting Materials 1480.837 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: Mobile S-Band Phased Array 48.674 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: ICCAGRA Spring 2013 Minutes 132.398 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: Center for Marine Robotics 644.582 KB
New 12.745 KB
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Additional Material: Human Occupied Vehicle Safety Standards 192.81 KB
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Minutes 556.306 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 SCOAR Spring Meeting Agenda 118.318 KB

2013 AICC Summer Meeting

June 18, 2013

Hosted by:

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2013 AICC Summer Meeting Minutes 82.233 KB

2013 DESSC Spring Meeting

June 3 - 4, 2013

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Carriage House - Quissett Campus 
Woods Hole, MA 

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 DESSC Spring Meeting Agenda 115.283 KB

2013 Research Vessel Operators Committee Meeting

April 22* - 25, 2014

*Safety Committee Meeting April 22
RVOC Meeting April 23 - 25

Hosted by: 
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
Solomons, MD

Solomons Conference Center and Marina
155 Holiday Drive
Solomons, MD 20688

The group rate is $102.00.

Airport Information:

The closest airport is  Reagan National Airport

Washington, DC.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Attachment Size
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Participants 24.897 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Maximum Capability Document Development 592.021 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Maximum Capability Document Status Report 378.436 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Bridge Alarm and ECDIS 50.261 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting DxSH-5 Winch Upgrade 32409.326 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting GSSP Update 45.392 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Final Chair Elect Nominations 98.063 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 1870.432 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Safety Committee and RVSS 160.843 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting SSC Report 1880.524 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting FIC Meeting Summary 93.154 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting AICC Report 9402.383 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting SCOAR Report 4539.761 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting MLSOC & DESSC Reports 9406.711 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting NSF Report 1108.917 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting ONR & IWG-FI Report 1332.529 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting NOAA & OMAO Report 3460.473 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Wire Pool Wire Lubrication 13150.019 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Wire Pool Synthetics 11347.336 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS East Coast Winch Pool 1353.454 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting NSF West Coast Winch Pool 2459.184 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Post-Cruise Assessments and PCA Reports 433.979 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS East Coast Van Pool Update 1120.853 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting West Coast Van Pool Update 226.106 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Fleet Broadband (FBB) Program Update 566.817 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Markey Upgrade to Caley Winch System 1924.931 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting U Delaware Side Frame Upgrade 3157.174 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting New Jason Winch 1979.302 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Standard Bolt Pattern 734.352 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Medaire Report 20012.652 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting NERC Report 9962.178 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting NIOZ Report 23779.198 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting IRSO Report 2018.746 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting DRDC Atlantic Report 1409.989 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 10199.3 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Update 976.932 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting RCRV Update OSU 2674.64 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting RCRV Update NSF 4070.171 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Schmidt Ocean Institute 14118.238 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Cruise Personnel Manifest 787.23 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Radioisotope Awareness on UNOLS Vessels 3329.472 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Admiralty Law and Insurance Update 5920.763 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Ship Inspection Program Update 16515.912 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Crew Endurance Degradation on Operational Hazard Exposure 2382.382 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Environmental Permitting 7137.095 KB
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Point Sur Antarctic Operations Update 70320.849 KB
Solomons, MD
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes 142.726 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 RVOC Annual Meeting Agenda 33.476 KB

2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting

March 6 - 7, 2013

Hosted by:
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
La Jolla, CA 92037

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Participants 28.841 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting ONR Navy Update 145.489 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting IWG-FI Report 603.828 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting 2013 Fleet Schedules and 2014 Ship Scheduling 2046.322 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting FIC Meeting Summary 93.154 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Chief Scientist Training Program Report 2021.12 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 1989.753 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Unmanned Aircraft System Ops & SCOAR Report 4984.36 KB
2013 FIC Spring Meeting R/V Sikuliaq 911.008 KB
2013 FIC Spring Meeting RCRV NSF Update 6598.607 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) 1396.174 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Greening the Research Fleet Initiative 4548.023 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting R/V Point Sur Antarctic Operations Update 11157.615 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Speaker Series Progress Report 3144.315 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Vessel Usage Survey 2679.027 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Council Nominations 454.527 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Maritime Labour Convention 375.403 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting ITAR Regulations Update 373.873 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Gender Climate at Sea Project 164.023 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting R/V Safety Orientation Film 356.721 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Heightened Security for Ship Schedules 800.157 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Charter Review 358.503 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS 2012/2013 Goals 340.37 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Membership Application Form 92.49 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Annual Meeting Survey Dates 438.273 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting RVOC Report 99.834 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting MLSOC Report 1351.282 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting AICC Report 2504.494 KB
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting DESSC Report 1088.914 KB
La Jolla, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Minutes 284.758 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2013 UNOLS Winter/Spring Council Meeting Agenda 107.749 KB