National Oceanographic Partnership Program Announcement Regarding Ocean Sensors, Cubesats, and GHRSST Data

Jul 19, 2017
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The Division of Ocean Sciences, NSF, is pleased to announce that they are partnering with the Office of Naval Research (ONR), NASA, and NSF's Office of Polar Programs (OPP), via the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), in a "Broad Agency Announcement" (ONR BAA # N000014-17-S-B016) regarding three ocean research and technology topics of mutual and emerging interest.  Up to $18.5 million over five years may be available for this solicitation, subject to appropriation, availability of funds, and final approval by the participating NOPP agencies.

The BAA provides research opportunities for the following three topics, and please note that Topic 3 is further subdivided:

Topic 1. CubeSat Sensors for Investigating Littoral Ocean & Atmospheric Dynamics

Topic 2. Improved & Routine Production, Stewardship and Application of the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Data

Topic 3. In-situ Ocean Sensor Research & Technology Development

3A. Power Reduction and/or Miniaturization of In-situ Ocean Sensors and Improved On Board Processing (Arctic/ Antarctic to Tropical and full water column)

3B. Sensor Research & Advanced Technology
3B1. Soft Matter Electronics and Ocean Sensors
3B2. In-situ Ocean Sensors for "'omics"
3B3. Next Generation Autonomous In-situ Ocean Sensors

3C. Improving Technology Readiness Levels of Existing & Emerging Autonomous In-situ Ocean Sensors

For Topic 3, Letters of Intent are required by 16 October 2017 and full proposals are due 29 January 2018.  

Additional information may be found at  and