The UNOLS Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) is seeking nominations to fill one membership vacancy that has become open this summer.
The DeSSC is the UNOLS Committee charged with providing oversight and advice to the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF) operator on matters concerning utilization, upgrades, and long-term planning of its vehicles (Alvin, Jason, and Sentry). The Committee strives to maintain awareness of the needs of the users for new sensors and equipment to address important scientific questions, and to provide this information to the NDSF operator and the federal agencies. Additionally the Committee works to engage early career scientists and promote outreach initiatives on the use of NDSF vehicles in deep submergence research. Candidates should be experienced in the use of deep submergence vehicles.
For additional information about DeSSC, visit the DeSSC Committee website. For information about committee responsibilities contact the DeSSC Chair, Anna-Louise Reysenbach or Alice Doyle/UNOLS office.
Terms of office are three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for a second term. The DeSSC has a spring meeting at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and then there is a community meeting prior to the annual AGU meeting each year. Applicants or nominees should submit a brief statement of interest in serving on DeSSC along with a CV to Alice Doyle/UNOLS office by email by October 1, 2020. The statement of interest should highlight the nominee's experience using deep submergence facilities as well as how the nominee's efforts, service and/or scholarship have supported the introduction of ocean sciences to underrepresented communities and have fostered an environment of respect which enables all individuals to excel; applicants who have not yet had the opportunity for such experience should note how their work will further the UNOLS' committment to diversity.
Committee members are appointed by the UNOLS Chair based on the recommendation of the DeSSC and with the concurrence of the UNOLS Council.