Jan 15, 2021
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NSF Releases Regional Plan for the R/V Langseth
As announced by NSF in 2020, R/V MARCUS G. LANGSETH now under the ownership of Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, will continue to operate as part of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF). After operating in the Pacific since late 2016, plans are to move the R/V LANGSETH to the Atlantic in early 2022 to support funded science.NSF will accept proposals to use R/V LANGSETH in the Atlantic and adjacent seas in the 2022-2024 timeframe. Per the general guidance for requesting ship time on Global-class ships, Principal Investigators should submit proposals at least 18 months prior to the requested start date of the cruise. Final schedules will be determined collaboratively between the PIs, operators, UNOLS, environmental compliance authorities, and NSF.Ship schedules depend on many factors, and the pandemic in particular has caused delays and rescheduling throughout the ARF. The schedule may shift if there are unanticipated problems.Any questions may be directed as follows:
- R/V LANGSETH Operations & Scheduling: Sean Higgins sean@ldeo.columbia.edu
- Regional Plan: Candace Major cmajor@nsf.gov
- UNOLS Ship Scheduling: Doug Russell doug@unols.org