The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography, and 11th Hour Racing invite you to join representatives from academia, government agencies, and private industry to discuss current and future environmental sustainability of ships, boats, and ports. Previous workshops held in 2012 and 2014 opened a dialog on marine sustainability topics and initiatives. This workshop will continue these discussions and help our community better understand the resources available to maximize the environmental sustainability of our existing and future vessels, support facilities, and ports.
The workshop will be 1½ days long, with invited presentations from marine architects, designers, builders, private businesses, representatives of the federal government, and international sustainability experts. Presentations will cover topics that include port sustainability, emerging green technologies, propulsion and fuel, energy monitoring and conservation, ship design, hull coatings, waste management, recycling, and best practices for environmental sustainability. Progress on greening initiatives within the U.S. Academic Research Fleet implemented since the 2014 workshop will be reported. In addition to the invited talks, panel sessions will be held with experts on marine sustainability. An evening poster session is planned with a reception and dinner and all participants are welcome to provide displays.
The Workshop will be held at URI's Graduate School of Oceanography in Narragansett, RI on April 5-6, 2016. Registration for the workshop is now open. To register please complete the on-line form at <https://www.regonline.com/greenboatsIII>. Space at the workshop is limited and you are encouraged to register early. Registration will close on March 5th (unless space is filled prior to that date).
If you cannot attend the meeting in person, we will bring the workshop to you via Livestream in partnership with GSO's Inner Space Center. A video feed of the event will be streamed worldwide through telepresence technology. Information on how to access the Livestream is provided on the event web page listed below.
Additional details about the workshop can be found at:
Funding support for the workshop is provided by the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and 11th Hour Racing.