2014 DESSC New-Users Workshop

December 13th, 2014 to December 14th, 2014

San Francisco, CA


2014 DESSC New-Users Workshop

The application period for this workshop has ended, please see the DESSC Early Career Page for more information. 

DeSSC is committed to increasing the involvement of students and postdoctoral/early-career scientists. To that end, we have developed the new-users program to: 1) expose students, early-career scientists and other new-users to DeSSC and the NDSF, 2) engage participants in DeSSC advisory activities, 3) offer participants training and mentoring in the process of developing research programs that use NDSF vehicles, and 4) enable participants to network with scientists actively involved in NDSF-supported research. These goals will be achieved through a workshop (prior to the DeSSC meeting) in which more experienced deep-sea scientists and NDSF operators provide instruction on deep-sea research, grant-writing, technology, and data management, and by directly involving participants in the DeSSC fall meeting.

Meeting Agenda:
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2014 DESSC New-Users Workshop Agenda 102.437 KB