UNOLS Charter

The UNOLS Charter was written in 1972, and most recently revised in 2021. PDF version is available here.

The UNOLS Charter

Effective 1 Dec 2021



Amendment to the UNOLS Charter




Effective: 1 Dec 2021


To coordinate use of U.S.-supported oceanographic facilities (Table 1), the academic oceanographic institutions that use and operate these facilities, by virtue of this Charter, do hereby establish the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS). UNOLS comprises these academic oceanographic institutions. UNOLS shall be a source of support and recommendations for the oceanographic community and Federal agencies on all aspects of oceanographic research infrastructure.  Through these activities, UNOLS institutions make substantial contributions to the national oceanographic enterprise.

Execution and enforcement of its recommendations are matters for member institutions and the agencies that fund the construction and operation of UNOLS facilities to consider and address.


The objectives of UNOLS are to:

1.     facilitate and coordinate access to and utilization of facilities for academic oceanographic research

2.     review the current match of facilities to the needs of academic oceanographic programs

3.     foster Federal and other support for academic oceanography, thereby continuing and enhancing the excellence of the nation's oceanographic program

To accomplish these objectives, UNOLS makes recommendations of priorities for replacing, modifying or improving the number and mix of facilities for the community of users. Emphasis is placed on ships and other seagoing facilities but UNOLS also coordinates airborne assets used in oceanographic research.


a.)    Eligibility: 

Membership in UNOLS is open to those U.S. institutions that use, or operate and use, sea-going facilities and maintain an academic program in marine science. Both individual institutions and consortia of such institutions may be members of UNOLS for purposes of attending UNOLS meetings, receiving UNOLS information, and other non-voting UNOLS activities. See:

All applications for membership are reviewed by the UNOLS Council.  Applications approved by the Council are then voted on by the full UNOLS membership prior to the UNOLS Annual Meeting held each fall. All institutions, having satisfied the criteria for membership (, and having been approved by a simple majority of the UNOLS membership, are designated as UNOLS institutions.

The UNOLS Council periodically shall review the list of UNOLS institutions and recommend to the membership of UNOLS additions and status changes. Changes shall be considered at a regular UNOLS meeting and require a majority vote of the UNOLS membership present or by proxy if absent.

Membership may be voluntarily terminated by any member organization on written notice to the Chair. In extraordinary instances, an institution's membership may be involuntarily terminated by a two-thirds vote of the UNOLS membership.

Each UNOLS institution shall designate a representative with authority to speak and act for the institution in UNOLS matters. UNOLS representatives may authorize alternate representatives.

b.)   Voting

On any matter requiring a vote of the UNOLS membership, either the member consortium may cast a ballot or individual member institution(s) within the consortium may cast ballot(s), but not both.

If any consortium and one or more of its constituent institutions disagree as to the voting option to be exercised in any matter, only the ballots of individual institutions within that consortium shall be accepted on that matter. The choice of individual or consortium voting may be exercised independently on each voting matter and by each consortium and its constituent institutions. In the remainder of this charter the word "institution" means "individual member institution or member consortium" except where otherwise noted.

c.)    UNOLS Vessels and Facilities

The United States (U.S.) Academic Research Fleet (ARF) conducts oceanographic science research for the nation.  The U.S. ARF consists of vessels designated as UNOLS Vessels.   The terms "ARF vessel" and "UNOLS Vessel" are synonymous.  UNOLS Vessels and National Oceanographic Facilities are designated by the UNOLS Council (Table 1).  The U.S. ARF is a subset of the National Oceanographic Fleet (see Glossary at end of document).

UNOLS Vessels are those U.S. research vessels operated in support of national oceanographic research programs, by academic or other non-profit institutions and are significantly funded by U.S. Federal or state governments. They are operated in accordance with UNOLS Research Vessel Safety Standards (RVSS), subject to regular, recognized ship inspection programs, scheduled by established UNOLS procedures and meet cruise reporting, cruise assessment, cost accounting and performance standards.

UNOLS institutions may request that a research vessel be designated as a UNOLS Vessel following the guidelines described in "Guidelines for Requesting/Becoming a UNOLS Vessel."

UNOLS Vessels and National Oceanographic Facilities are available to users outside of the operator institution if funding is available from the sponsor of the research or from the user, and the use is approved by the vessel owner. The list of vessels designated as UNOLS Vessels shall be reviewed regularly for additions or deletions by the UNOLS Council considering the above criteria and considering the objectives of UNOLS in Section 2.

If the Council denies an application for UNOLS vessel status or National Oceanographic Facility designation, the applicant shall be notified. They shall have the opportunity to reapply in accordance with the procedures described in the "Guidelines for Requesting/Becoming a UNOLS Vessel."

d.)   Operator Institutions

Those UNOLS institutions that operate UNOLS Vessels or National Oceanographic Facilities (Annex II) are, in addition to being members, designated as Operator Institutions.


a.)    Overview

The UNOLS organization shall include an elected Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate-Past-Chair, the UNOLS Council, the UNOLS Office, and committees for ship scheduling, fleet improvement, research vessel operations, other committees as required and established by the UNOLS Council.

b.)   UNOLS Chair

The Chair represents UNOLS throughout the oceanographic community, calls and presides over UNOLS meetings, chairs the UNOLS Council, and in consultation with the UNOLS Council, appoints other committees and provides direction and oversight to the Executive Secretary and the UNOLS Office.

c.)    Chair-Elect

The Chair-Elect supports the Chair in representing UNOLS throughout the oceanographic community and acts, in the Chair's absence, in calling and presiding over meetings, in the UNOLS Council and with regard to UNOLS appointments, direction and oversight. The duties of the Chair-Elect shall include preparing to assume the office of Chair under the schedule set forth in section 5b.

d.)   Immediate-Past-Chair

The office of Immediate-Past-Chair is to be occupied by the previous Chair under the schedule set forth in section 5b. The Immediate-Past-Chair brings the experience of that individual to bear on UNOLS issues. The Immediate-Past-Chair participates in UNOLS activities and meetings with the same rights and responsibilities as a regular Council member.

e.)   Council

The UNOLS Council represents and acts on behalf of the UNOLS membership as the operating and governing body of UNOLS. It monitors UNOLS activities, giving attention to the effective use of available oceanographic facilities and determining the performance of UNOLS operator institutions in providing access to Federally-supported facilities for scientists from other institutions. This is done by receiving and reviewing reports about fleet utilization, post-cruise assessment reporting, Fleet Improvement Committee activities, and review/response to the Agency letter. It evaluates the need for replacement and addition of facilities and assesses whether facilities are outmoded or in excess of current needs. It considers and makes recommendations to U.S. funding agencies regarding the needs for specialized facilities or new concepts in facilities and the balance between facilities and funded research programs. It accepts charges from funding agencies for special studies and reviews and shall make recommendations based on its findings. It assists funding agencies in efforts to obtain adequate and uniform financial data and post-cruise reporting of ship operations. It reviews and approves appointments to UNOLS committees.

The UNOLS Council shall fully and faithfully report to the UNOLS membership and to sponsoring agencies on its actions, activities and plans. Reports shall include an annual summary delivered at the annual UNOLS meeting, reports of Council meetings and special reports on important actions or activities.

The UNOLS Council consists of ten elected members:

       the UNOLS Chair

       the Chair-Elect

       the Immediate-Past-Chair

       two members from UNOLS operator institutions

       two members from UNOLS institutions other than facility operators

       three members from among candidates affiliated with any UNOLS institutions

In addition, the chairs of UNOLS standing committees serve, ex officio, as fully participating, voting members of the Council, including the:

       Ship Scheduling Committee (SSC)

       Research Vessel Operators' Committee (RVOC)

       Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)

       Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)

       Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)

       Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC)

       Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)

       Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)

       Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships Committee (MERAS)

No more than one elected member of the UNOLS Council shall serve from any one institution. If, during an elected member's term, that individual's status changes so that the eligibility criteria are no longer satisfied, that individual shall lose membership on the Council. If any elected member of the UNOLS Council misses three consecutive meetings, that individual shall lose membership on the Council.

The UNOLS Council shall meet in-person as well as by web/phone conferencing. A quorum for the UNOLS Council meetings (in-person and web/phone) requires one more than half of all Council members (at least 10 persons out of the 19 Council members) and must include at least five elected members.

Council decisions are reached by majority vote of member's voting, provided a quorum is represented at the time of the vote.  If a matter requires a discussion and vote by the Council sooner than the next scheduled meeting, a discussion and vote on the matter by correspondence (e.g., electronic mail) may be held.  A vote taken by correspondence will require a quorum (as defined in the previous paragraph) and will be in accordance with the same voting rules as for regular votes except that the motion introduced for voting will not require a second to the motion. Ballots may be submitted by correspondence, fax, or email to the UNOLS Office, where the count shall be compiled by the Executive Secretary and reported to the Council.

f.)    Unexpired Terms

If a Council member fails to complete his/her term for any reason, a replacement member meeting the same eligibility requirements shall be appointed by the Chair, subject to approval by a majority vote of the Council, with a quorum participating. This vote may be conducted by correspondence unless a scheduled Council meeting is to take place within one month of the vacancy arising, in which case the vote shall be conducted at that meeting. Should the unexpired term be that of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall become Chair for the remainder of the Chair's term and shall then appoint a new Chair-Elect under the foregoing procedure. Persons filling an unexpired term shall not have the duration of the unexpired term counted toward any term limits specified elsewhere in this charter.

g.)    UNOLS Committees

Committees are established for such special purposes as decided by the UNOLS Council. These committees address issues as set out in their terms of reference. Their recommendations to funding agencies must be delivered through and approved by the UNOLS Council. Permanent or Standing Committees shall be established by vote of UNOLS members, and then formed by the UNOLS Chair in consultation with the UNOLS Council. Special purpose or temporary committees may be established and formed by the UNOLS Chair and Council on their own authority. Committees function under terms of reference adopted by the Council. Committee chairs and members are appointed by the UNOLS Chair with approval of the Council, unless otherwise specified in a committee's terms of reference. Terms of reference for Permanent or Standing Committees are adopted as annexes to the Charter.

UNOLS committees shall remain in effect for no longer than three years, after which time they shall be dissolved unless they are reaffirmed by the UNOLS Council. The Council shall review all committee's Terms of Reference and activities as a basis for affirmation, change or dissolution.

h.)   UNOLS Office and Executive Secretary

A UNOLS Office shall be established for the purposes of providing staff support and secretariat services to UNOLS, the UNOLS Chair, Council, and committees as directed. The Office shall serve as a focal point for UNOLS correspondence and for central files on facilities, schedules, user requirements and related information. The Office shall advertise, arrange, support and report on UNOLS, Council and committee meetings. It shall arrange and manage contracts for blanket services to the U.S. Academic Research Fleet and UNOLS institutions under guidance from the Chair and Council, and at the behest of sponsoring agencies.

The UNOLS Office shall normally be established at a UNOLS operator institution. It is expected that the UNOLS Office will rotate among UNOLS operator institutions. The UNOLS Chair, with the UNOLS Council, shall review UNOLS Office performance and activities prior to the completion of the first five-year term (or at intervals controlled by the duration of funding grants or agreements). Based on this review, the Council shall recommend whether or not to renew the host institution for a second term. The Office may, if suggested by review, be moved after five years. The Office should not remain at a single institution for more than ten years, except under extraordinary circumstances.

Selection of an institution to host the UNOLS Office and Executive Secretary shall be by an open, competitive process. These selections ordinarily will be made concurrently. The UNOLS Chair shall invite all UNOLS operator institutions to submit letter proposals identifying their candidate for Executive Secretary and advancing their capabilities for hosting the Office. The Chair, with advice from the UNOLS Council, shall appoint an Evaluation Committee, organized with due regard for UNOLS institutions' interests, for the purpose of recommending the best proposals for host institution and Executive Secretary. The recommendation from the Evaluation Committee, with the review and consent first of the Council and then of the UNOLS membership, shall be transmitted to the agencies administering the UNOLS Office cooperative agreements and grants. It shall then be necessary for the institution recommended to host the UNOLS Office to submit a funding proposal to the administering agencies. Contractual obligations between the UNOLS institution hosting the UNOLS Office and the funding agencies shall be the responsibility of those organizations.

The UNOLS Office shall be headed by the Executive Secretary, who will be an employee of the institution hosting the UNOLS Office. The Executive Secretary, while administratively an employee of the host institution, shall act under direction from the UNOLS Chair and Council. The Executive Secretary is responsible for all UNOLS Office functions and other UNOLS duties as directed by the UNOLS Chair and Council. It is expected that the Executive Secretary will be thoroughly familiar with the operation and scheduling of academic research vessels and with UNOLS and Federal policies related to research vessel and facility operations.

If it is necessary to select or replace the Executive Secretary, open competition for a host institution shall be held concurrently.

Costs of operating the UNOLS Office will be Federally funded among the U.S funding agencies in accordance with their participation in contract and grant programs with the operator institutions, or by such other arrangements as may be agreed to by the Federal agencies.


a.)    Membership Voting

Election of UNOLS Officers and UNOLS Council members shall be based on one vote for each UNOLS institution represented. On issues coming before the membership for vote, each UNOLS institution shall also exercise one vote. Except as otherwise specified (e.g., for involuntary termination of membership), matters voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of UNOLS institutions casting votes in person or by proxy. Voting by the membership will ordinarily take place at UNOLS meetings. Two-thirds of the UNOLS operator institutions must be represented to establish a quorum. Because of the option for consortia or their member institutions to vote as in Section 3a, the number that constitutes a quorum may be different for different votes. In extraordinary circumstances, matters may be submitted for vote by the membership at times other than UNOLS meetings. These matters will be submitted by mail or electronic mail and shall be governed by the same rules for decision and quorum that apply at meetings.

b.)   Officers

The UNOLS Chair-Elect shall be elected from among candidates affiliated with any UNOLS member institution. Chairs are elected for two-year terms. Prior to becoming Chair, the elected candidate will sit as Chair-Elect for a single term of two years. After sitting as Chair for two years, they will then assume the role of Immediate-Past-Chair for two years.

c.)    Council

The seven elected members of the UNOLS Council shall serve three-year terms, staggered so that two or three terms begin each year. Individuals may serve not more than two consecutive terms.

d.)   Nominations

A slate of candidates shall be prepared for distribution at least 30 days in advance of elections, consisting of at least two candidates for each position being considered. This slate of candidates shall be formed by a Nominating Committee, appointed and announced by the UNOLS Chair. The Nominating Committee members shall consist of three members, one from a UNOLS operator institution, one from an institution other than an operator and one from any UNOLS institution.

The Nominating Committee shall issue a call for nominations enumerating the positions to be filled and summarizing the qualifications required for each position. Nominations for the slate may be submitted by anyone affiliated with a UNOLS institution, in writing, to the UNOLS Office or the Nominating Committee. In forming the slate, the Nominating Committee shall give due consideration to the fundamental qualifications required, which is experience in research at sea, but also consider the necessity for maintaining an appropriate balance among scientific user disciplines as well as diversity in geographic and institutional representation.

e.)   Elections

Ballots for each office on a slate shall be marked by voters in priority order with 1 for first choice, 2 for second choice, etc. If an individual is shown in #1 position on a majority of votes cast, that person is elected. If no individual gains such a majority, the name(s) with the smallest number of #1 marks is eliminated, ballots showing that name in #1 position are renumbered with #2 shifted to #1, #3 to #2, etc., and the entire set of ballots is then recounted. This renumbering and recount process shall be repeated as often as necessary to determine that an individual appears in #1 position on a majority of votes cast. At any iteration of this process, any ballots from which all names have been dropped shall be set aside and not counted as votes cast for purposes of determining the majority. A tie shall be broken by toss of a coin. The Chair shall designate two persons in attendance at the meeting, neither of them a candidate for any office at that election, one to toss the coin and the other to call it in the air.

f.)    Meetings

The UNOLS Chair shall convene an annual meeting of UNOLS institutions either virtually or in person. The Chair shall distribute an agenda, 30 days in advance, that includes an annual report of UNOLS Council and committee activities, as well as any other issues and matters of importance to UNOLS.

The UNOLS Council shall meet in conjunction with each UNOLS Annual Meeting and at least one other time annually.

Other UNOLS committees shall meet as specified in their terms of reference or as necessary to conduct their business within the limitations of available funding.

Notwithstanding any statements specifying numbers and types of meetings in this article of the charter or in other articles or annexes thereof, the UNOLS Council, under its regular voting procedure, may authorize the Executive Secretary to organize additional Council or committee meetings if required or in any given operating year reschedule or postpone meetings in order to accommodate fiscal constraints imposed by agency sponsors. If in any given year the Executive Secretary determines that the set of meetings enumerated in the charter and its annexes will require more support than is likely to be available, the Secretary shall alert the Council to this situation and recommend appropriate cost reductions or supplemental funding efforts for Council consideration and approval.

The UNOLS Office makes notification of UNOLS, Council and committee meetings 30 days prior to meetings to assure the wider scientific community has an opportunity to respond and participate.

g.)    Reports

Reports shall be made of the proceedings of all UNOLS, Council and committee meetings and these shall be distributed to UNOLS institutions, Council and committee participants and funding agencies. Reports shall be provided to the wider community on the UNOLS website; on rare occasions classified or sensitive information may not be released.


Recommendations and decisions by UNOLS or any sub-organization thereof are not binding on any member or interested participant thereof. No legal, fiscal or contractual authority is intended, granted or implied under the terms of this Charter.


a.)    Amendments

This Charter may be amended, or operative annexes added or deleted, by a vote of two-thirds of UNOLS institutions voting on the matter provided that a quorum as defined in 5a is present or, in the case of mail or e-mail votes, submits votes by those methods. The voting matter shall have been submitted to the membership at least 30 days prior to the vote.

b.)   Termination

This Charter shall remain in effect for a period of three years after which time it shall be dissolved unless modified or readopted by vote of the UNOLS institutions.


8.     Record of Re-Adoption and Amendments

Originally adopted: September 22, 1971, Palisades, NY Amended: July 13, 1973, by mailed ballot

Amended and readopted: May 17, 1974, Washington, DC Amended: May 26, 1976, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: May 13, 1977, Washington, DC Amended: May 18, 1979, Washington, DC

Amended: May 29, 1981, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 21, 1981, Washington, DC

Amended: October 26, 1983, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: May 25, 1984, Washington, DC

Amended: October 23, 1985, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: October 23, 1987, Washington, DC

Revised and adopted: October 28, 1988, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 15, 1989, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 17, 1992, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 14, 1995, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Amended and readopted September 21, 1999, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: September 22, 2000, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: November 15, 2001, Washington, D.C.

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2004, Arlington, VA

Amended (added Annex IX): October 14, 2005, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised, amended (added Annex X) and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised (removed Annex X) and readopted: December 1, 2017

Revised and readopted: December 4, 2019

Revised and readopted:  November 19, 2020

Revised and readopted:  December 01, 2021


Annexes to the UNOLS Charter

Annex I: Ship Scheduling Committee (SSC)


An important annual UNOLS function is the coordination and scheduling of ships and support vehicles that make up the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF). An underlying principle of UNOLS is that control of facility operations and scheduling remain the responsibility of the operating institution, with the understanding that UNOLS, UNOLS Operating Institutions, and cognizant U.S. federal agencies shall make serious efforts to assure that ships and facilities are fully available to all U.S. federally-funded and/or state users. To assure that ships and facilities are broadly available and effectively scheduled and coordinated, it is critically important that records of ship-time requests, ships and facilities available, the funding status of proposed ship use and tentative schedules be maintained up-to-date.  This requires that all stakeholders - including the PIs, ship operators, the funding agencies and the UNOLS Office - make it a priority to share timely information related to each sea-going mission.

Ship schedulers and agency representatives shall review the Letters of Intent (LOIs) to identify and eliminate double bookings, assure accommodation of all funded science, enhance the effectiveness of facility support, and improve the efficiency and economy of the overall Fleet schedule. It shall be a responsibility of the UNOLS Council to assess and report the effectiveness on facility utilization. The Ship Scheduling Committee (SSC) shall serve as the focal point for this coordinating role of UNOLS.

SSC activities and responsibilities are managed and coordinated by the UNOLS Executive Secretary.


The purpose of the Committee is to serve as a mechanism for the development and coordination of ship schedules in order to assure the most effective, efficient and economic utilization of ships and associated facilities. 


a.)    Membership

The Ship Scheduling Committee membership consists of representatives from each UNOLS operator institution. Representatives of NSF, ONR, NOAA and other sponsoring agencies shall participate in the SSC meetings (in-person and web/phone meetings) as required. 

A Ship Scheduling Committee Representative shall serve as an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

b.)   Nominations/Representative

Nominations for the SSC Representative will be reviewed and voted on by the standing SSC. The standing SSC will select one nominee for the position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the SSC Representative from the nominations put forward by SSC.  Normally the Representative shall rotate amongst the different coasts (Atlantic, Gulf, Great Lakes, and Pacific).

The SSC Representative shall normally serve for a term of two years. If the Representative cannot fulfill his/her duties, a substitute will be appointed to finish the term.

The SSC Representative is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.  In the event the SSC Representative cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, a designated substitute shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

The Ship Scheduling Committee may establish subcommittees to meet and function on a regional basis, reporting them to the main committee.


The Ship Scheduling Committee supported by the UNOLS Office shall pursue an annual process of schedule development. The process is executed so as to assure effective ship and facility support to U.S. federally and state funded investigators, efficient and economic operating schedules for individual ships and the U.S. ARF, and to provide timely information for ARF management to funding agencies, UNOLS ship operators, and the research vessel user community. Procedures for schedule development include:

       Collection of ship-time requests both at the operating institutions and at the UNOLS Office

       Exchange of ship-time requests and summaries among all UNOLS institutions and the UNOLS Office

       Development of Letters of Intent ship schedules by operating institutions and dissemination among all institutions, the UNOLS Office, and the sponsoring agencies

       Meetings to consolidate knowledge of science project and funding status, to compile institution estimates of operating costs, to coordinate ship and equipment schedules and to assure all funded science programs are scheduled

Requests should be submitted electronically using the form available in the UNOLS Ship Time Request and Scheduling (STRS) System <>. This permits automatic distribution to the appropriate operator(s), funding agency and the UNOLS Office. An e-mail copy shall be returned to the PI submitting the request. This form should be printed from the STRS system and appended to research proposals requesting ship time. Ship-time requests must be completed for all science requiring ship time and submitted as a part of their research proposals to NSF or to notify ONR, NOAA or other sponsoring agencies of their ship time requirements. Whenever practical, requests are filled using the ship requested by the investigator. Institutions encourage submission of ship-time requests as early as practical to allow time for the proposal review process, long range planning, and ARF coordination for efficient schedules. Electronic filing of the ship-time request form will enter the submitted data into a centralized UNOLS database. Requests in the database can be filtered by geographic area, year, ships, agencies, and ancillary facilities and instruments requested, helping to facilitate scheduling and permitting investigators to collaborate with other programs that might be compatible. The database of ship-time requests shall be the principal mechanism for the exchange of ship-time information.

Letter of Intent schedules are generated by each UNOLS institution for their ships. LOI schedules are generated as soon as operators have a basis for credible ship-time requests (routinely in the spring for the following year). These schedules are posted on the UNOLS STRS System website to permit coordination with other ship operators and to prompt negotiations for eliminating double bookings, assure accommodation of all funded science, enhance effectiveness of facility support and to improve the efficiency and economy of the overall fleet schedule.   The UNOLS Executive Secretary will maintain a 'whole fleet' view of requests in the ship-time request system, ensuring an efficient use of resources within a year and over a multi-year period.  The negotiations between individual operators, UNOLS, and the funding agencies are a critical part of the UNOLS scheduling process.


Meetings of the Ship Scheduling Committee are held as necessary as called by the Executive Secretary. Normally the scheduling process requires in-person and phone conferences as may be appropriate.  The timing for meetings is dictated by the flow of ship-time requests and of their science funding decisions and by the submission date for Ship Operations Proposals. Schedules should be as firm as possible by early summer, after agency funding decisions have been made. One or more meetings of the full Ship Scheduling Committee may be necessary to optimize ship operating schedules and to accommodate Fleet operating costs to the total funding available and to the needs of sponsored science projects.  Moving schedules from LOIs to "Secure" requires approval from the funding agencies and the UNOLS Executive Secretary.  These Secure schedules are the basis for the annual reports to the agencies requesting ship support. 

The Ship Scheduling Committee shall, as a part of each meeting report, with the input of the federal sponsoring Agencies, make comprehensive recommendations regarding effective utilization of the U.S. ARF based on criteria for ship scheduling, the ship needs of sponsored science programs and other aspects of ship management.


Originally adopted: September 22, 1971, Palisades, NY

Amended and readopted: May 16, 1974, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: May 13, 1977, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 21, 1981, Washington, DC

Readopted: May 25, 1984, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: October 23, 1987, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 28, 1988, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 15, 1989, Washington, DC

Amended: October 17, 1991, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 14, 1995, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Readopted: October 15, 2004, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and adopted:  December 4, 2019


Annex II:  National Oceanographic Facilities


In addition to regular institutional UNOLS facilities, there may be identified National Oceanographic Facilities, defined as those facilities, specialized and otherwise, that are made available for the use of qualified scientists from any institution and the use of which shall be recommended by a UNOLS Advisory Committee.


The purpose of National Oceanographic Facilities is:

       To provide oceanographic vessel and other facility support to scientists who do not operate or have available the required facilities.

       To provide for the support and use in academic research of specialized and unique facilities.


A research vessel or other research facility may be designated a National Oceanographic Facility upon the approval of the UNOLS Council, with the concurrence of the owner and operator of the facility and with reasonable assurance of support. National Oceanographic Facilities may be multi- or special-purpose facilities and may be designated for the entire annual operating period or any significant period thereof.

If the Council denies an application for UNOLS designation, the applicant will be notified as to the specific reasons for the denial. They would then have two options:

OPTION 1: The applicant may reapply to the Council after addressing the specified deficiencies.

OPTION 2: If the applicant so desires, they may submit their modified re-application, along with the Council's notification, for reconsideration by the UNOLS membership. Designation would then be determined by a vote at the next annual meeting in accordance with the procedures described in Section 5a of the UNOLS charter.


An Advisory Committee is established to provide recommendations for each facility or for a group of facilities of similar mission. The Chair and members of the Committee are appointed by the UNOLS Chair, from nominations made by the Committee, and in consultation with the UNOLS Council. Members serve for terms of three years on a rotating basis, for no more than two consecutive terms. Each institution operating a National Oceanographic Facility may designate an ex officio member (or members) in addition to those members appointed by UNOLS.


Operational scheduling of the facility is the function of the operating institution. The time frame for scheduling generally is in accordance with Annex I of the UNOLS Charter.

Receipt, acknowledgment, collating and structuring of requests for facility use shall be the function of the operating institution in consultation with the UNOLS Office.


Information and announcements advertising the availability of a National Oceanographic Facility are a joint function of the operating institution and the UNOLS Office.


An annual report on the use of each National Oceanographic Facility is prepared by the appropriate institution in cooperation with the Advisory Committee and the UNOLS Office.


Requests for funding the operation of the facility are the responsibility of the operating institution.


If a National Oceanographic Facility ceases to meet the criteria above, especially with respect to being specialized or unique, a recommendation may be made by the UNOLS Council to the funding agencies that such designation be discontinued.


a.)    The name of the Advisory Committee for National Deep Submergence Facilities is the Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) and its Chair serves as an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

b.)   The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Twin Otter Research Facility is designated as a National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility under Annex II of the UNOLS Charter. The name of its Advisory Committee is the Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR) and its Chair serves as an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

c.)    The Advisory Committee for the National Oceanographic Seismic Facility, R/V Marcus Langseth, is the Marine Seismic Research Oversight Committee and its Chair serves as an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.


Approved & adopted: May 5, 1972, College Station, TX

Readopted: May 17, 1974, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: May 13, 1977, Wash., DC

Readopted: October 21, 1981, Washington, DC

Amended: October 26, 1983, Washington, DC

Readopted: May 25, 1984, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 23, 1987, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 28, 1988, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 15, 1989, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 14, 1995, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Revised and approved: September 27, 2002, Arlington, VA

Revised and readopted: October 15, 2004

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted: November 2, 2018

Readopted:  December 4, 2014


Annex III:  Research Vessel Operators' Committee (RVOC)


The Research Vessel Operators' Committee (RVOC), having been established and operative since 1962, and having interests and goals in common with UNOLS, is, by mutual consent of both organizations, made part of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System. The RVOC functions as a UNOLS Committee.


The purpose of the Research Vessel Operators' Committee shall be to promote cooperation, fleet standards, marine safety, efficiency, and quality of service among marine science research and educational institutions. The RVOC provides members a forum to address issues of interest such as federal regulations, security, technology, procedures, and public relations as those affect their research fleets.


a.)    Membership

Membership in the RVOC shall be based on representation from UNOLS operator institutions. Membership shall also be open to all UNOLS institutions or non-UNOLS institutions that operate research vessels for purposes similar to UNOLS and in accordance with RVOC bylaws.  Each UNOLS operator institution shall designate a representative to RVOC.  Institutions other than operators may designate representatives in accordance with RVOC bylaws.

UNOLS operator institutions shall be entitled one vote on matters at the Annual RVOC Meeting. In extraordinary circumstances, matters may be submitted for vote by the Chair, at times other than the Annual Meeting.  These matters will be voted on by mail or electronic mail. Matters voted on will be decided by a simple majority of UNOLS operator institutions casting votes. Two-thirds of the UNOLS operator institutions must be represented to establish a quorum.

A UNOLS operator institution, which is temporarily without a vessel due to replacement through construction, new acquisition, major refit, or in lay-up, may continue to have a voting representative on the RVOC, as long as that institution is actively engaged in resuming operational status.

b.)    Nominations/Officers

The Research Vessel Operators' Committee shall have a Chair and Chair Elect. The Chair Elect will be elected by a majority vote at the Annual RVOC Meeting. The RVOC Chair is appointed by the UNOLS Chair as an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.  The Chair shall represent the Committee in all matters stipulated in the purpose of these bylaws and in all matters deemed necessary in the interest of the Committee. The Chair shall implement the programs enumerated by the Committee and shall conduct the Annual RVOC Meeting and whatever special meetings are deemed necessary by the Chair or the members. 

The Chair Elect shall be responsible for recording the business of the Committee.  The Chair shall be responsible for dissemination of information through a newsletter or other media to all members of the Committee.

The RVOC Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.  In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the Chair Elect shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

Under normal circumstances the Chair Elect will serve one three-year term and then serve one three- year term as Chair for a total of six years maximum.  Date of office shall commence at the close of the Annual RVOC Meeting. 

If the Chair or Chair Elect are unable to fulfill their duties of office, the Chair shall appoint a successor to act with authority until the succeeding Annual RVOC Meeting.

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

The RVOC Safety Committee, a subcommittee of the RVOC, was established to provide a forum for the formulation, review, and recommendation for approval of the UNOLS Research Vessel Safety Standards (RVSS). This committee consists of a Chair and nine other voting members who act in accordance with the safety committee's established terms of reference.

Non-voting UNOLS Community Members, federal agency representatives, Subject Matter Experts as needed can be invited by the RVOC Safety Committee to participate in any of the meetings and are welcome to attend the Annual RVOC Meeting.

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee at the Annual RVOC Meeting, various additional working groups, subcommittees, or panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.

Special working groups or panels may be established if required between the Annual Meetings, but they must be confirmed by vote.  RVOC sub-committees may hold meetings or teleconferences as required for the accomplishment of their missions.

The various working groups and panels shall each meet at least once yearly, at the Annual RVOC Meeting.

d.)   Liaison with other UNOLS committees

Ex officio representation on the RVOC by a RVTEC representative is encouraged.


The purpose of the Research Vessel Operators' Committee shall be to promote cooperation, fleet standards, marine safety, efficiency, and quality of service among marine science research and educational institutions. The RVOC provides members a forum to address issues of interest such as federal regulations, security, technology, procedures, and public relations as those affect their research fleets.

The RVOC annual meeting will provide members with a forum to address issues of interest such as federal regulations, security, technology, procedures, and public relations as those affect the research fleets.


The RVOC shall hold at least one general Annual Meeting, each calendar year. All member institutions shall be entitled to send as many individuals as desired to the Annual Meeting. Institutions other than operators may send observers to RVOC meetings.  Each member institution shall be notified of the Annual Meeting by the Chair of the Committee at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting.

The Research Vessel Operators' Committee shall prepare a report of its activities for the annual UNOLS meeting.

The Chair shall preside over this Annual RVOC Meeting. The business of this meeting shall encompass reports of any active working groups and panels, and discussions of projects and actions of the Committee. Speakers from the federal agencies and the marine community may also be included on the agenda. Workshops for projects of general interest are encouraged.

Passage of projects and actions shall be by vote, in accordance with the voting procedures set forth in Section 3a. Membership, paragraph 2.

The Annual RVOC Meeting location shall be rotated among the various UNOLS member institutions, preferably at alternating coasts, in order to better facilitate the purpose of the committee as outlined in Section A of this charter.


The UNOLS office will provide limited funding when approved as part of the UNOLS office budget for the Committee to include the following:

a.)    Travel expenses for the Chair to attend UNOLS Meetings

b.)   Meeting facilities, when required

c.)    Travel and meeting expenses for panels, workshops or the Annual Meeting when appropriate


Approved and adopted at the RVOC Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana on 9 October 1990--As amended, 15 January 2004.

Approved and adopted: May 16, 1974, Washington, DC

Readopted: May 13, 1977, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 21, 1981, Washington, DC

Readopted: May 25, 1984, Washington, DC

Readopted: October 23, 1987, Washington, DC

Revised and readopted: October 28, 1988, Washington, DC

Amended and readopted: September 15, 1989, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 14, 1995, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: October 15, 2004

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted:   December 4, 2019



Annex IV:  Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)


One UNOLS objective is to assess the match between seagoing academic oceanographic facilities and the needs of oceanographic research programs, and then to make recommendations for replacing, modifying or improving the number and mix of facilities. It has long been recognized that maintenance of a fleet of modern, capable research vessels is essential to the outstanding success of the U.S. program in academic oceanographic research. A Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC) is established to address this UNOLS objective.


The Fleet Improvement Committee works to assure the continuing excellence of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet to improve the capability and effectiveness of individual ships and to assure that the number, mix and overall capability of ships in the U.S. Academic Research Fleet match the science requirements of academic oceanography in the U.S.


a.)    Membership

The FIC membership shall be composed of a Chair and seven additional members. At least three members shall be from UNOLS operator institutions, at least three members shall be from institutions or organizations other than operators, and two members may be from any UNOLS institution. Ex officio representation on FIC by RVOC and RVTEC representatives is encouraged. Terms for all members are three years, for no more than two consecutive terms.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Applications/nominations for membership on the FIC and the FIC Chair will be reviewed and voted on by the standing FIC members. The standing FIC will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the FIC members and FIC Chair from the nominations put forward by FIC. Those appointed should be experienced in ship operations or in shipboard science activities, and from institutions which are either operators or users of UNOLS research vessels.

The FIC Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

The FIC can appoint a Vice Chair, who shall function as the FIC Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the FIC Vice Chair shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required.

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.

d.)   Liaison with other UNOLS committees

The FIC will establish and maintain liaisons with other UNOLS committees such as, but not limited to the Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee, Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee, and Research Vessel Operators Committee.


The Fleet Improvement Committee serves as a liaison and planning body as well as an information source for federal agency representatives and the scientific community concerning long range planning, and funding for design, construction or renovation of vessels for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet. The FIC may also provide oversight and make recommendations for improvements of specialized fleet capabilities such as load handling systems, seismic facilities and long coring.

To communicate its findings, the FIC works to maintain a current, informative and forward-looking U.S. Academic Research Fleet Improvement Plan. The plan, updated periodically and made available through the UNOLS Office and website includes:

       Assessment of the number and mix of ship capabilities needed in the U.S. Academic Research Fleet.

       Description of future science mission requirements for all size/capability-classes of research ships

       Definition of roles and the need for innovative research platforms including contributions to oceanographic education and outreach

       Assessment of the number and mix of UNOLS facilities required for support of ocean observing facilities

       Consideration of means for acquiring the needed vessels, including new construction, modification to existing UNOLS ships, conversions, private acquisition and leasing

       Development of conceptual or preliminary plans for ships to fill the needs identified

       Development of a schedule for improvement and replacement of vessels so as to assure continuing fleet excellence

The FIC may also be called upon to review and make recommendations concerning design and outfitting specifications of new and future vessels.

Demands on the Fleet Improvement Committee may be intense, and the development of ship plans may require significant financial management. With the approval of the UNOLS Chair and UNOLS Council, the FIC may arrange for staff and financial support for their activities. Proposals and grants for such support may be through the UNOLS Office or a UNOLS institution, as appropriate.


The FIC shall meet no less than twice annually with at least one meeting in person, the second either in person, by telephone, or electronically depending on the needs of the committee to discuss issues within its charge. Funding for these meetings shall be administered similar to that of other UNOLS standing committees.


Adopted: October 28, 1988, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 15, 1989, Washington, DC

Readopted: September 14, 1995, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Readopted: October 15, 2004, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted: date:  December 4, 2019




Annex V:  Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)


The Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC) held their first organizational meeting in October 1992. The RVTEC provides a forum for discussion among the technical support groups of the National Oceanographic Fleet. The Committee's by-laws were adopted in 1993 as Annex V to the UNOLS Charter and revised in 2007.


The purpose of the Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC) shall be to promote the scientific productivity of research programs that make use of research vessels and oceanographic facilities and to foster activities that enhance technical support for sea-going scientific programs.


a.)    Membership

Membership in the RVTEC shall be extended to UNOLS member institutions.  Participation shall be open to technical and scientific personnel at UNOLS and non-UNOLS organizations.  Each institutional UNOLS representative may designate a representative to RVTEC.

Each UNOLS member institution shall be entitled to one vote on matters at RVTEC meetings. However, the Chair may submit matters for vote at other times. These matters shall be voted on by mail or electronic mail, and votes shall be collected for a period of two weeks.  A simple majority of all UNOLS operator institutions must be represented to establish a quorum.

Ex officio representation on RVTEC by RVOC representatives is encouraged.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee shall have a Chair and Chair Elect. Nominations for the RVTEC Chair and Chair- Elect will be reviewed and voted on by the standing RVTEC members. The standing RVTEC will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the RVTEC Chair and Chair-Elect from the nominations put forward by RVTEC. 

Under normal circumstances the Chair-Elect will serve one three- year term and then serve one three-year term as Chair for a total of six years maximum. Date of office shall commence at the close of the Annual Meeting.

The Chair shall represent the Committee in all matters stipulated in the purpose of these bylaws and in all matters deemed necessary in the interest of the Committee. The Chair shall implement the programs enumerated by the Committee and shall conduct the Annual Meeting and whatever special meetings are deemed necessary by the Chair or the members.  The RVTEC Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

The Chair-Elect, who shall function as Chair in the absence of the Chair, shall be responsible for recording the business of the Committee and for dissemination of information as stipulated in these bylaws to all members of the Committee.  In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the Chair Elect shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

If the Chair or Chair-Elect is unable to fulfill their duties of office, the Chair shall appoint a successor to act with authority until the succeeding Annual Meeting.

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.

d.)   Liaison with other UNOLS committees

RVTEC will establish and maintain liaisons with other UNOLS committees such, but not limited to RVOC, the safety committee, AICC, SCOAR, MSROC and FIC.


Specific tasks for the RVTEC include but are not limited to:

       Promote the exchange of technical information.

       Enhance the technical skills of available technical support personnel in the UNOLS community.

       Review new instrumentation development and application of new technologies


A general meeting of the Committee shall be held at least once yearly. The Chair shall preside over this Annual Meeting. The business of this meeting shall encompass reports of any active working groups and panels, and discussions of project and actions of the Committee. Research scientists and others from the marine community may also be included on the agenda. Workshops for projects of general interest are encouraged.

Passage of projects and actions shall be by vote, in accordance with the voting procedures set forth in Section 3a, Membership, paragraph 2.

The various working groups and panels shall each meet in person or electronically as necessary to accomplish their task at least once yearly.

Suggestions for the place and time of the next RVTEC annual meeting shall be identified at the close of the previous RVTEC meeting and formalized shortly thereafter. The Annual Meeting location shall be rotated among the various UNOLS member Institutions, preferably at alternating coasts, in order to better facilitate the purpose of the committee as outlined in Section 2 of this Annex.


UNOLS shall provide limited funding for the Committee meetings and associated travel to include the following:

a.)    Travel expenses for the Chair to attend UNOLS meetings

b.)   Meeting facilities, when required

c.)    Travel and meeting expenses for panels, workshops, or the Annual Meeting when appropriate

d.)   Travel support for RVTEC representatives to other UNOLS committees


Approved and adopted on 18 October 1992 at the RVTEC Organizational Meeting in Washington, DC.

Amended and Readopted: September 19, 1996, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI

Readopted: October 15, 2004, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted: December 4, 2019



Annex VI:  Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)


The U.S. Coast Guard, NSF and UNOLS have established a UNOLS Committee that shall address research support for U.S. academic science investigators carrying out Arctic research aboard icebreakers and other ice-capable Arctic research vessels. Particular concerns of this Committee are the icebreakers operated by the U.S. Coast Guard as well as UNOLS vessels such as the R/V Sikuliaq. It is envisioned that these vessels shall represent the major focus of the Committee.

The Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee shall operate pursuant to appointment by the UNOLS Chair with approval of the Council and in accordance with the UNOLS Charter. This annex shall be incorporated as Annex VI to the Charter.


The purpose of the AICC is to provide Arctic science projects with planning assistance and to liaise and facilitate communications between U.S. Arctic scientists, funding agencies, and facility providers. Specifically, the AICC is to provide oversight and advice to the U.S. Coast Guard for the purpose of enhancing facilities and science aboard their icebreaker fleet. Incumbent in this is the requirement that AICC solicit, synthesize, and present the needs of the Arctic science community to the Coast Guard, fulfilling an ombudsman role when necessary, to facilitate efficient and effective utilization of U.S. icebreakers. It is also the responsibility of the AICC to promote new technology for Arctic assets in order to maintain cutting-edge capability for these facilities.

The purpose of the AICC is also to promote the best utilization of Arctic icebreaker facilities, provide sufficient lead-time for planning purposes, and provide information to the scientific community to organize research projects. The AICC shall work with the user community, U.S. federal sponsors, and the operators of other polar facilities to actively encourage expeditions using U.S. Coast Guard icebreakers and U.S. Academic Research Fleet ice-capable vessels in a phased manner that meets the needs of a wide spectrum of Arctic scientists. Additionally, the AICC shall actively encourage the advancement of cooperative international programs for the enhancement of multidisciplinary Arctic science throughout the academic community.


a.)    Membership

The Committee shall include eight polar scientists from U.S. institutions with diverse disciplines serving three-year terms. Individuals may not serve more than two consecutive terms. AICC membership shall include ex officio representatives from the UNOLS Fleet Improvement Committee, the UNOLS Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee, the UNOLS Research Vessel Operators' Committee, and the University of Alaska's R/V Sikuliaq Ship Committee. The intent of these ex officio memberships is to facilitate communication among UNOLS sanctioned committees on opportunities for coordination and/or issues shared in common with icebreakers. Such issues could include safety, outreach opportunities, technical developments, and joint activities that may involve multiple vessels.

Representatives from agencies including, but not necessarily limited to, the USCG, NSF, ONR, NOAA, BOEM, USGS, NASA, and the Arctic Research Commission shall be invited to participate in the Committee's meetings and activities. 

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Applications/nominations for membership to the AICC and the AICC Chair will be reviewed and voted on by the standing AICC. The standing AICC will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the AICC members and the AICC Chair from the nominations put forward by the AICC.  

The AICC can appoint a Vice Chair who shall function as the AICC Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the AICC Vice Chair shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required.  

The Chair of this Committee shall be an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council and shall keep the Council and the UNOLS membership informed of its activities.

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.


Specific tasks of the Committee shall be:

       Provide continuing oversight of the scientific spaces and outfitting of USCGC Healy and any future research uses of USCGC Polar Star.

       Advise U.S. researchers on use of other U.S. ice-capable vessel assets in the Arctic, including the R/V Sikuliaq, as well as U.S. research uses of foreign ice-capable vessels.

       Assist U.S. Arctic scientists with planning and coordination of research on U.S. ice-capable vessels.

       Facilitate and encourage communications and outreach among individual chief scientists and appropriate Alaska Native communities.

       Facilitate liaison between the U.S. Arctic research community, funding agencies, and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to support USCG icebreaker utilization.

       Critique and coordinate feedback of science operations for all USCG icebreakers.

       Advise the USCG, UNOLS, and funding agencies on icebreaker science equipment needs.

       Provide advice to the USCG and UNOLS on technical support for U.S. Arctic research vessels.

       Advise U.S. Arctic scientists concerning international cooperation of scientific programs and facilities in the Arctic including icebreaker assets of other countries.

       Assess U.S. strategies for maintaining or expanding research icebreaker capabilities in the Arctic.


The AICC shall meet no less than twice annually with at least one meeting in person, the second either in person, by telephone, or electronically depending on the needs of the committee to discuss issues within its charge. Funding for these meetings shall be administered similar to that of other UNOLS standing committees.


Originally adopted: September 20, 1996, Arlington, VA 

Revised and adopted: February 8, 1999, Narragansett, RI 

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2004

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA 

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA 

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted:  December 4, 2019




Annex VII:  Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC)


The Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) is an advisory committee established in accordance with Annex II of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Charter. This Committee shall provide recommendations and advice to the operator of and supporting funding agencies of the UNOLS designated National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF). The Deep Submergence Science Committee shall operate pursuant to appointment by UNOLS and in accordance with the UNOLS Charter. This annex is the DeSSC Terms of Reference and shall be incorporated as Annex VII to the Charter.


The Deep Submergence Science Committee provides oversight responsibilities in the use of Alvin, the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Jason 2, and the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Sentry that are assets of the National Deep Submergence Facility. Incumbent in this is fulfilling an ombudsman role for the deep submergence community, insuring maximum participation in the utilization of these deep submergence assets. It is also the responsibility of the DeSSC to promote new technology for Alvin, ROVs and AUVs to maintain cutting edge capability for the National Facility.

The DeSSC shall continue to work with the user community, federal sponsors and the operator of the NDSF to encourage deep submergence research in traditional (North Pacific, North Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico) areas and expeditions to remote geographic regions. Additionally, DeSSC shall also encourage the advancement of cooperative international programs for the enhancement of multidisciplinary submersible science throughout the academic community.


a.)    Membership

The DeSSC membership shall be composed of nine individuals, serving three year terms, who can represent the various oceanographic disciplines required to advise on the effective use of submersible assets.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Nominations to the DeSSC and for the DeSSC Chair shall be open to the research community. Vacancies shall be announced in various weekly journals and other venues as appropriate, and candidates shall be asked to submit their vitae and letters of interest. Applications for membership to the DeSSC and the DeSSC Chair shall be reviewed and voted on by the standing DeSSC. The standing DeSSC will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the DeSSC members and the Chair from the nominations made by DeSSC. Members of the DeSSC shall be appointed for three-year terms, staggered so that two or three terms begin each year. Individuals may serve not more than two consecutive terms.

The DeSSC Chair shall represent the Committee in all matters deemed necessary in the interest of the Committee. The Chair shall implement the programs enumerated by the Committee and shall preside over the committee meetings.  The DeSSC Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

The Committee can appoint a Vice Chair, who shall function as the DeSSC Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the Vice Chair shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.


Specific tasks for the DeSSC will include but not be limited to:

d.)   The UNOLS Deep Submergence Science Committee shall operate pursuant to appointment by UNOLS and in accordance with Annex II to the UNOLS Charter. In addition, each funding agency shall be invited to designate an official observer to the Committee.

e.)   Advise Regarding Proposals for Use of U.S. National Facility Assets: Proposals for the use of the National Facility deep submergence assets are regularly submitted for peer review through the three principal funding agencies NSF, ONR and NOAA. DeSSC no longer reviews proposals. DeSSC shall however provide advice regarding optimum use of the assets to maximize operational strategy for the deployment of these assets. Deliberations shall consider whether the proposed research might be enhanced by the use of ROVs, AUVs and/or other undersea research tools, or be better accomplished using other occupied or unoccupied submersibles. The committee shall work with agency representatives and staff from the operating institution to develop schedules that will most effectively utilize deep submergence assets.

f.)    Deep Submergence Assets Planning:

Annual Scheduling. Ship scheduling is based on funded projects and is done in part in consultation with the DeSSC at the summer DeSSC meeting. A preliminary scheduling discussion is conducted in an open forum for the user community at the winter (Dec. AGU) meeting. At that time the community is provided with an indication of the potential areas in which deep submergence assets could feasibly operate well in advance of proposal submission deadlines.

Global Expeditions: The DeSSC shall work with the user community, federal sponsors and the operator to determine the feasibility of organizing deep submergence science expeditions to remote geographic regions. DeSSC shall work with the federal funding agencies to provide timely information regarding funded projects so as to enable potential users to better evaluate the appropriateness of submission of proposals for work in remote areas.

g.)   Deep Submergence Science Tools: The DeSSC shall, on a continuing basis, maintain awareness of new scientific tools and the needs of the users for new sensors and equipment to address important scientific questions and provide this information to the NDSF Operator, UNOLS, and the U.S. federal agencies. The technical capabilities of the deep submergence research assets shall be formally reviewed by the DeSSC, with the assistance of selected outside experts, at least once every two (2) years and the results of the review shall be provided to the NDSF operator, UNOLS and the federal funding agencies. DeSSC should encourage development and promote acquisition of new deep submergence sensors and tools as warranted by the scientific needs of the user communities. Some of this new equipment may have multidisciplinary use and could be considered, with appropriate resources, for inclusion into the standard suite of scientific equipment provided with NDSF vehicles. Other types of sensors may be task or research-specific and should be considered Third Party Tools. DeSSC has formulated guidelines for Third Party Tool development, which have been approved by the federal agencies and UNOLS. The UNOLS Third Party Tool Guidelines can be found at the following URL:….

h.)   User Concerns: On a yearly basis, the committee shall review and assess comments from scientific users of deep submergence assets and identify key areas that warrant attention by the operator and recommend remedial actions as appropriate.

i.)    Undersea Technology: With regard to undersea technology in the broader sense, the DeSSC should monitor and promote the development and application of appropriate new submersible technologies, both manned and unmanned, shallow and deep, for use in undersea scientific research. The DeSSC should coordinate their efforts with the science user community, technology developers and facility operators. The DeSSC shall advise NSF, ONR, NOAA and other federal agencies on submersible technology, its evolution and applications. Additionally, the committee shall include a representative(s) with expertise in the areas of undersea engineering and technology.

In carrying out this task the DeSSC may need to organize special workshops.


The DeSSC shall meet no less than twice annually. Funding for these meetings shall be administered similar to that of other UNOLS standing committees.

Reports of activities shall be made to UNOLS.


Revised and Accepted: June 2001

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2004

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and readopted: December 4, 2019


Annex VIII:  Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)


The Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR) is an advisory committee established in accordance with Annex II of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) charter. This Committee shall provide recommendations and advice to the operators and supporting funding agencies of any aircraft facility designated by UNOLS as a National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility. The Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research shall operate pursuant to appointment by UNOLS and in accordance with the UNOLS Charter. This annex is the SCOAR Terms of Reference and shall be incorporated as Annex VIII to the Charter.


This Committee shall provide advice and recommendations to the National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility managers and supporting federal agencies on aspects of operations, sensor development, fleet composition, utilization and data services as appropriate. In addition, SCOAR and the UNOLS Office shall provide the ocean science user community with valuable information and advice concerning experiment design, facility usage, scheduling and capabilities.

The Committee shall also promote collaborations and cooperation between facility operators, funding agencies and the scientific community to improve the availability, capabilities and quality of aircraft facilities supporting the ocean sciences. By promoting collaboration between              the ocean science community, the atmospheric science community and other science communities using aircraft in support of their research, the Committee shall work to improve utilization and capabilities for all of these communities.

The SCOAR shall also recommend the designation of aircraft facilities as National Oceanographic Facilities to the UNOLS Council and membership as described in paragraph 4 below.


a.)    Membership

The composition of the Committee shall consist of a Chair and five members with due regard to geographic regional distribution.  The SCOAR is composed of individuals who can represent the various oceanographic disciplines with broad-based research experience in the ocean and atmospheric sciences including experience with projects that coordinate the use of aircraft with other oceanographic facilities such as research vessels and that can represent the various oceanographic disciplines required to advise on the effective use of aircraft assets in support of the ocean sciences.

The operating institution of each National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility may designate ex officio member(s) of SCOAR to represent the operational aspects of the facility. With the Council's concurrence, other standing committees of UNOLS may also designate ex officio members to SCOAR.

The Committee may recommend additional members with the approval of the Council and the funding agencies. Appointed members will normally come from institutions other than the operating institutions of the aircraft facilities and in no case would there be more than one person from any individual institution, not counting the ex officio representatives.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Nominations to the SCOAR and for SCOAR Chair shall be open to the research community. Vacancies shall be announced in various weekly journals or other venues as appropriate, and candidates shall be asked to submit a vita and letter of interest. Applications for membership to the SCOAR and the SCOAR Chair shall be reviewed and voted on by the standing SCOAR. The standing SCOAR will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the SCOAR members and SCOAR Chair from the nominations made by SCOAR. Members of the SCOAR shall be appointed for three-year terms, staggered so that one or two terms begin each year. Individuals may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

The SCOAR Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.  SCOAR can appoint a Vice Chair, who shall function as the Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the Vice Chair shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.


The focus of SCOAR's responsibilities in terms of providing advice and recommendations to the National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility manager and supporting funding agencies shall include but not be limited to:

       Information sharing and advising National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility managers and supporting funding agencies

       Technical/scientific briefings on past and future field programs

       Information sharing and oversight on utilization and scheduling of facilities

       Facilitating the requesting of aircraft facility services

       Promoting the coordinated use of aircraft Facilities with research vessel operations and facilitating the scheduling of joint research vessel and aircraft experiments.

       Reviewing flight policies, operating procedures and regulatory and safety issues to ensure compatibility with research plans and research vessel operations.

       At the request of any funding agency or facility operator, SCOAR would review and provide advice or possible solutions regarding any technical issues that may arise during proposal or pre-proposal reviews being conducted by the agency or operator.

The focus of SCOAR responsibilities as they relate to promoting collaborations and cooperation between facility operators, funding agencies, and the scientific community shall include but not be limited to:

       Information sharing and coordination with other scientific organizations concerned with aircraft facilities such as the Interagency Working Group on Facilities and Infrastructure (IWG-FI), the Interagency Coordinating Committee for Airborne Geosciences Research and Application (ICCAGRA) and others

       Information sharing and coordination with other UNOLS standing committees.

       Staying abreast of evolving instrumentation, sensor, and technology developments including ocean observing systems.

       Promoting participation by researchers in the Ocean Sciences as partners or mentors for new instrument development projects.

       Facilitating the transition of new technologies from the military, the atmospheric sciences, space sciences and other areas to facilities supporting the ocean sciences.

       Promoting positive interactions between the atmospheric and oceanographic science communities.

       Promoting and supporting collaboration between agencies and institutions supporting research aircraft facilities for the ocean sciences.


A National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility is an academic organization or institution that operates one or more aircraft in support of oceanographic research or education and that is made available to qualified scientists from any institution with funding for the use of the facility. The purpose is to provide access to aircraft facilities to scientists that do not operate or otherwise have available the required aircraft facilities. UNOLS institutions that operate designated National Facilities shall be designated as UNOLS operator institutions in accordance with the UNOLS charter.

The SCOAR shall recommend to the UNOLS Council and membership, the designation of aircraft facilities as National Oceanographic Aircraft Facilities under Annex II of the UNOLS Charter. An aircraft facility may be designated a National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility upon the approval of the UNOLS membership after review by the UNOLS Council, with the concurrence of the owner and operator of the facility and with reasonable assurance of ongoing support by one or more funding agencies. National Oceanographic Aircraft Facilities may be multi- or special-purpose facilities and may be designated for the entire annual operating period or any significant period thereof. Opportunity for review and input from federal funding agencies other than the owner of a facility should be included as part of the designation process.

Each National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility approved for designation by the UNOLS membership shall be described and listed in Section 5a. Section 5a lists the dates of approval, renewal and expiration for this designation.

a.)   Designated National Oceanographic Aircraft Facilities

The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Twin Otter Research Facility is designated a National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility.  Its primary aircraft for oceanographic support includes the UV-18A 'Twin Otter.'

The NPS Twin Otter Research Facility originated from the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS) originally designated as a National Oceanographic Aircraft Facility under Annex II of the UNOLS charter by vote of the UNOLS membership at Arlington, Va. on September 27, 2002.


The SCOAR shall meet according to a schedule proposed by the committee and approved by the supporting funding agencies as part of the annual UNOLS Office proposal and budget. Typically the Committee should meet no less than two times annually with at least one meeting in person, the second either in person, by telephone, or electronically depending on the needs of the Committee to discuss the issues within its charge and also depending on the number of designated National Oceanographic Aircraft Facilities.  The SCOAR Chair shall set the agenda for meetings in consultation with the Committee, the UNOLS Office, facility managers, funding agencies and others as appropriate.

SCOAR recommendations and reports shall be prepared with the assistance of the UNOLS office and shall be made through the UNOLS Council and Chair.


Originally Adopted: September 27, 2002 at Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2004

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett, RI

Revised and readopted: December 1, 2016; Revised and readopted November 2, 2018

Revised and readopted:  December 4, 2019





Annex IX:  Marine Seismic Research Oversight Committee (MSROC)


The Marine Seismic Research Oversight Committee (MSROC) is an advisory committee established in accordance with Annex IX of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Charter.  The MSROC shall operate pursuant to appointment by UNOLS and in accordance with the UNOLS Charter. This annex is the MSROC Terms of Reference and shall be incorporated as Annex IX to the Charter.


The Marine Seismic Research Oversight Committee (MSROC) provides scientific oversight, asset coordination and strategic advice for NSF-supported marine seismic facilities.  MSROC fulfills a role as the representatives for the marine seismic research community, ensuring broad access and maximum participation in the utilization of marine seismic assets. MSROC also advises UNOLS and funding agencies on the adoption of technical advances that maintain a cutting-edge capability for the facilities that support marine seismic research.

The MSROC shall work with the science user community, federal sponsors and the operators of marine seismic facilities to establish a regional plan for operations in order to maximize efficient use of these facilities. Additionally, MSROC shall encourage and help facilitate the advancement of cooperative international programs for the enhancement of marine seismic research throughout the academic community.

The MSROC may constitute sub-committees as needed where advice is required for specific facilities and ad hoc issues. Technological and operational issues associated with other marine seismic assets will also be reviewed periodically by the MSROC.


a.)    Membership

The MSROC membership shall be composed of up to nine individuals, serving three-year terms, who can represent the spectrum of marine seismic research and fulfill the committee tasks as outlined below.

       At least three members with expertise in long-offset 2-D and/or 3-D MCS studies, ideally one of these members will have significant marine seismic industry involvement.

       Two members with expertise in ocean bottom seismology (ideally, one each for active and passive source methods), one of whom can serve as a liaison to/from the OBSIP advisory committee

       A member who can serve as a liaison to the IODP community through current membership on one of that program's committees

       A representative with expertise in issues related to environmental permitting for marine seismics

       A member with expertise in high-resolution seismic imaging for shallow subsurface structure

       One or more members from the international geophysics community who can serve as a liaison to represent scientists/agencies on issues pertaining to international projects in marine seismic research

       The R/V Langseth operating institution and the OBSIP management may designate non-voting ex officio member(s).

       Ex officio representatives of the UNOLS RVTEC and RVOC committees may serve on the Committee.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Nominations to the MSROC and for the MSROC Chair will be solicited from the research community and other organizations with relevant expertise, such as the offshore exploration industry. Vacancies will be announced in various weekly journals and other venues as appropriate, and candidates will be asked to submit a vita and letter of interest. Applications for membership to the MSROC and the MSROC Chair will be reviewed and voted on by the standing MSROC. The standing MSROC will select one nominee for each open position and forward the nomination to the UNOLS Chair. The UNOLS Chair, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the MSROC members and the MSROC Chair from the nominations put forward by MSROC.

Members of the MSROC will be appointed for terms up to three years, staggered so that two or three terms begin each year. Individuals may serve not more than two consecutive terms. With the Council's concurrence, other standing committees of UNOLS, such as RVOC and RVTEC may also designate ex officio members as appropriate to MSROC.

The MSROC Chair will also serve as an ex officio of the UNOLS Council.

The MSROC shall operate pursuant to appointment by UNOLS and in accordance with Annex II to the UNOLS Charter. In addition, each funding agency will be invited to designate an official observer to the Committee. The MSROC is empowered to identify and establish subcommittees to explore and advise the committee on specific issues relating to the broad portfolio of marine seismic capabilities for the academic research community. These subcommittees may draw on expertise outside of the Committee itself.

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be constituted. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.


a.)    Implementation of the Regional Framework Plan. 

The Regional Framework Plan for the marine seismic data acquisition is designed to reduce overall data acquisition costs, provide guidance to the community about when to submit proposals for research in a particular area, encourage investigators (both U.S. and potential international teams) with new ideas to submit a proposal that could mesh geographically (e.g., modest transit), and provide rotating access to all regions of scientific interest within a timeframe of several years.

The MSROC will develop and implement a mechanism for ongoing regional planning that maps out and advertises areas of operation several years in advance. Areas of operation will be identified based on community interest and input, and detailed planning will include considerations for both vessel-based operations and OBSIP utilization.  When relevant, opportunities for coordination with other geoscience assets, such as land instrumentation through the IRIS Portable Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL) Instrument Center for onshore-offshore experiments, may be addressed.

MSROC will actively and continuously seek input on regional planning from the U.S. and international science communities through a variety of means, including for example letters of interest, online bulletin boards, community science plans, input from agencies and operators, and through the one open regional planning meeting held each year.  As part of regional planning activities, the MSROC will help identify and convey to the research community new collaborative opportunities.

In addition to longer-term regional planning the MSROC will also be available to provide perspective and advice to the operators and funding agencies regarding short-term scheduling issues.

b.)   Act to engage and coordinate international participation in the regional framework planning process and to identify international resources that might be available to U.S. researchers. Regularly review the technological information available for use of assets and identify needed updates.

The MSROC will solicit international input and participation in the regional planning process both through committee membership (section 3) as well as through the annual open regional planning community meeting. It will seek to promote international collaborations through information gathering and sharing (e.g. web sites on upcoming U.S. and international programs, focused breakout sessions at international meetings such as EGU). It will also serve as a resource for the international community interested in using U.S. marine seismic facilities to help facilitate the process and identify/address agency and other issues.

Regularly review the technical capabilities of existing marine seismic assets to ensure they meet the needs of the scientific community, and advocate for upgrades when compelling needs for new capabilities are identified.         

The MSROC will provide high-level input on scientific needs and guidance on prioritization for implementation of upgrades and deployment of new marine seismic capability. It is expected that the OBSIP liaison on the MSROC will serve as the conduit for information to/from the OBSIP advisory committee.  Additional ad hoc groups will be formed as needed to address other marine seismic technical and operational issues.

c.)    Promote the engagement and training of the next generation of marine seismic researchers.

The MSROC will help to identify and develop opportunities to broaden participation in marine seismic research, including promotion of training opportunities to help grow the research community with expertise in these approaches (e.g. training cruises and/or data processing webinars, classes, and short courses).

MSROC will seek opportunities to promote marine seismic research and maintain the vibrancy of the field such as community workshops. It will also consider mechanisms to convey marine science research outcomes to the broader community and/or public.

d.)   Provide outreach tools and a feedback mechanism to the community, including a forum for input on emerging directions in marine seismic studies

e.)   The MSROC will establish mechanisms for feedback from and to the community regarding existing marine seismic research capabilities and emerging directions (for example, "how-to" guides, science user reports on recent expeditions, web sites and online bulletins).


The MSROC will typically meet twice per year, one of which may be done via telepresence. One meeting should allow for an open forum with the user community to get broad input for regional planning, user concerns, etc. The second meeting will also address regional planning as needed as well as be generally devoted issues pertaining to equipment and procedural improvements, identifying tasks/assignments for developing the annual scenario(s) for out-year scheduling, permitting, or specific programs, and other near-term issues, and should occur in the spring or early summer.


Originally adopted: October 14, 2005, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 12, 2007, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: October 15, 2010, Arlington, VA

Revised and adopted: December 20, 2013, Narragansett,

Revised and adopted: December 1, 2016

Revised and adopted: December 4, 2019


Annex X:  Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships (MERAS) Committee

1.    Introduction

In 2015, the UNOLS Council formed an ad hoc committee, later designated Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships (MERAS). The committee was charged with researching existing policies and practices aboard the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF) regarding protected personal information, medical history forms, participation at sea for pregnant participants and provisions for nursing participants, and other issues as identified. The committee's role has evolved to more broadly address issues of equity/respect and diversity/inclusion throughout the ARF. As many issues in the MERAS purview deal with social change–which often requires time and effort to see realized–MERAS transitioned to a standing committee to provide a forum in which to address relevant matters of concern to the ARF. 

2.    Purpose

The MERAS Committee works to facilitate an environment of respect onboard ARF vessels and to cultivate and preserve a culture of inclusion, regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, nationality, or socio-economic background.  The committee provides recommendations to the UNOLS community regarding resources and practices to identify and overcome related workplace barriers in the ARF and assists the UNOLS Council, funding agencies, and the ARF operators in formulation of new policies as needed. Examples of scope, drawn from prior activities, include, but are not limited to: making pregnancy and nursing policies of ship operating institutions readily available to users of the ARF, assisting in development of a video to improve civility and eliminate bullying and harassment associated with shipboard research at sea and ashore, and recommending new cruise planning document policies concerning gender expression, support, and safety.

3.    Organization / Membership

a.)    Membership

The MERAS membership shall be composed of five members, one being the Chair. Terms for all members are three years, for no more than two consecutive terms.

Each MERAS member shall be entitled to one vote on matters at MERAS meetings. However, the Chair may submit matters for vote at other times. These matters shall be voted on by mail or electronic mail, and votes shall be collected for a period of two weeks and require a simple majority vote.

b.)   Nominations/Officers

Nominations to the MERAS shall be open to the research community. Vacancies shall be announced through the UNOLS listservs and on the UNOLS website.  Candidates shall be asked to submit their 2-page curriculum vitae and  a statement of interest. Applications for membership to the MERAS Committee shall be reviewed and voted on by the standing MERAS members. The standing MERAS members will select one nominee for each open position. The MERAS committee will nominate a Chair.  Nominations for the MERAS committee members and the MERAS Chair will be sent to the UNOLS Council Chair who, with the endorsement of the UNOLS Council, shall appoint the MERAS members/Chair.

The MERAS Chair shall represent the Committee in all matters deemed necessary in the interest of the Committee. The Chair shall implement recommendations made by the Committee and shall preside over the Committee meetings. The MERAS Chair is an ex officio member of the UNOLS Council.

The Committee can appoint a Vice Chair, who shall function as the MERAS Chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event the Chair cannot participate in a UNOLS Council meeting, the Vice Chair shall stand in and fully participate including participation in any votes that are required. 

c.)    Working Groups and Subcommittees

Upon the recommendation of the Chair, and with a majority vote of the Committee, various working groups and panels, as necessary to the work of the Committee, may be formed. The charge and duration of action of such working groups and panels shall be stipulated at the time of inception.

d.)   Liaison with other UNOLS committees

MERAS will establish and maintain liaisons with other UNOLS committees such as, but not limited to, RVOC, the safety committee, and RVTEC.

4.    Specific Tasks

Specific tasks for the MERAS include but are not limited to:

a.)    Promote and sustain a respectful and professional work environment onboard the vessels of the ARF.

b.)   Facilitate an environment free of harassment and bullying

c.)    Cultivate an environment that embraces diversity and inclusivity

d.)   Develop actions to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within the US ARF

e.)   Respond to concerns of the ARF community by helping to implement new policy concerning items above. 

5.    Meeting/Reports

The Committee shall meet as required, with at least one annual meeting. This will be held in person if possible, with other meetings held electronically. The MERAS Chair shall set the agenda for meetings in consultation with the Committee, the UNOLS Office, facility managers, funding agencies, and others as appropriate. The business of this meeting shall encompass reports of any active working groups and panels, and discussions of project and actions of the Committee.

Passage of actions shall be by vote, in accordance with the voting procedures set forth in Section 3a, Membership, paragraph 2.

The various working groups shall each meet in person or electronically as necessary to accomplish their task at least once yearly.

6.    Document History

Originally Adopted:  1 Dec 2021