Fleet Improvement Committee

Jan 27, 2025
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RV Langseth underway in green water in front of the Golden Gate Bridget

Call for Nominations

Fleet Improvement Committee

Cut-off date EXTENDED:  7 April, 2025


UNOLS is seeking nominations and applications to fill a Non-Operator vacancy on the Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC).


The Fleet Improvement Committee works to assure the continuing excellence of the UNOLS Fleet and to assure that the number, mix and overall capability of ships in the UNOLS fleet match the science requirements of academic oceanography in the U.S. At this time FIC is engaged in developing an update to the UNOLS Fleet Improvement Plan that addresses future fleet composition, capabilities, capacity, and user demand, along with budgetary realities are all areas that FIC will continue to evaluate. FIC is also involved in reviewing and providing input on possible vessel replacements.


Candidates should have experience with the UNOLS Fleet and shipboard science activities and shall be from institutions or organizations that do not operate vessels of the Academic Research Fleet (ARF).


The committee membership should represent diverse disciplines, multiple institutions, and broad geographic interests. The committee members are appointed by the UNOLS Chair based on the recommendation of the FIC and with the concurrence of the UNOLS Council.


FIC members are expected to attend two FIC meetings annually. One in-person meeting is normally held in the fall at locations that vary each year. The second meeting is typically held in the spring and will likely be held as a virtual meeting. Other short virtual meetings may occur as well (i.e. Monthly FIC Virtual Check-In Meetings).  Terms of office are three years, with the possibility of re-election for a second term. For additional information about FIC, please visit the committee website at: <https://www.unols.org/committee/fleet-improvement-committee-fic>.


Nominees and applicants should submit:

  • A current C.V.
  • A statement of interest to serve on FIC, including goals, challenges, and efforts to expand representation in the ocean sciences
  • A summary of experience using research vessels and other oceanographic facilities

Copies of these materials should be sent to the UNOLS Office <alice@unols.org> by April 7, 2025. For additional information about FIC and committee responsibilities contact the FIC Chair, Kipp Shearman at <kipp.shearman@oregonstate.edu