The Federal Agencies and UNOLS are striving to improve civility and eliminate harassment in the workplace, in particular those places associated with the performance of shipboard oceanographic research as scheduled both at sea and ashore. A three module program was created aimed at ensuring that all parties involved in research at sea aboard the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF) are treated with respect and civility, as well as resources for when things don't go as planned.
The Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships (MERAS) committee compiled a companion discussion guide to facilitate communications and preparedness amongst crew, science and other expedition participants. Utilizing the discussion guide prior to departure as a team building exercise can empower participants to advocate for themselves and others while at sea.
Shipboard Civility Discussion Guide
Module I
NOAA spear-headed a video, the first module of the three module program entitled Shipboard Civility - Fostering a Respectful Work Environment. The video is available to stream online or download to watch offline and is required viewing before participating in a project aboard any vessel in the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF). Our goal is to create a professional environment in which university employees, as well as scientists and students find an inviting, safe, and respectful working and learning experience, while feeling free to raise concerns, and are confident that those concerns will be addressed.
Download here to view offline.
Module II
The National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research, in collaboration with the UNOLS MERAS subcommittee and UNOLS operators, created a second video to address situations specific to research vessels. It is a supplement to Module I and builds on some of it's themes. The video is required viewing for participants of research expeditions that take place aboard any vessel within ARF. When possible, it is recommended that both videos be watched as a team and its themes discussed before getting underway.
Download here to view offline.
A playlist of both videos is available here.
Module III
The third module is intended to provide resources and information to cruise participants for the operating institution should they need assistance with a work place issue. Each operating institution that has provided one is linked below. It should be included in the cruise planning documentation prior to boarding a vessel and posted prominently once on board. It is a good practice to be aware of the contacts and process at your own institution before you need it.
Link | Updated |
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences | May 2019 |
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | April 2019 |
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium | November 2017 |
Oregon State University | May 2019 |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks | April 2019 |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography | February 2025 |
University of Delaware | May 2019 |
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, UGA | April 2019 |
University of Hawaii | April 2019 |
University of Miami, RSMAS | November 2017 |
University of Minnesota, Duluth | April 2019 |
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography | April 2019 |
University of Washington | August 2024 |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | September 2019 |