UNOLS Cruise Opportunity Program

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photo by James Wilkinson
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photo by Dr. Jennifer Miksis-Olds

Having multiple UNOLS volunteers aboard our ADEON cruise was the difference between ending the cruise as a resounding success as opposed to merely accomplishing the science objectives. - Dr. Jennifer Miksis-Olds, UNH

Welcome to the UNOLS Cruise Opportunity Program Webpage!

The primary goal of the UNOLS Cruise Opportunity Program is to provide graduate students currently completing (or who have recently completed) a degree in a field of oceanographic research with the opportunity to participate in a research cruise. The participant will be a member of the scientific party and be involved in data collection and all other activities at sea. It is envisioned that the individual will be familiar with the science to be conducted at sea, and thus, form new collaborations and potentially develop new research directions. To be eligible to participate in this program, the individual must be either currently be studying at a U.S.-based institution or a recent graduate, and must have either a U.S. Passport or a U.S. Work Visa. Please note that you are responsible for paying for your travel to/from the ship (unless otherwise noted), the UNOLS Office is unable to provide travel funds; however your advisor or institution may have some ideas.

Please review the opportunities and apply by their deadlines listed below. 

Note to PIs:  If you have empty bunks on your cruise, please consider making them available to graduate students. Contact the UNOLS Office to coordinate. Thank you!

To be notified when new cruise opportunities become available, please sign up for the Cruise Opportunity email list

Available Cruise Opportunities

Apply to Expedition to Deploy and Recover Oceanographic Moorings, Profilers, and Gliders

When: Leave Newport, Oregon on October 4, 2024; return to Newport on October 20, 2024
Applications Due: August 30, 2024

We will deploy and recover oceanographic moorings, profilers and gliders off Washington and Oregon as part of the National Science Foundation Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Coastal Endurance Array on R/V Sikuliaq. Seven surface moorings will be deployed and recovered along with up to four profilers and six gliders. We will also acquire CTD casts (with bottle sampling) and underway ship data for comparison to deployed equipment.

The volunteer will assist in the deployment and recovery of moorings and gliders. They will also assist with CTD casts and associated water sample processing. There will be opportunities to work with OOI data.

For more information and to apply:

See Ocean Observatories Initiative for information about OOI, and see the OSU OOI Youtube channel for what we do at sea. The cruise will consist of two legs, each lasting about 8 days. One can apply to volunteer on either or both legs.

Send questions and applications to Ed Dever at

The deadline to submit an application is August 30, 2024.