

The annual Fall Community MSROC Meeting will be held on Sunday, Dec 10, 2023, at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, CA. The meeting will be a full day meeting from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a catered lunch provided. All members of the marine seismic and marine geophysics community are welcome to attend. The meeting will include updates from the major facilities, science talks, a student and early career poster session, community announcements, opportunities for networking and open discussion. Draft agenda forthcoming.


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Attachment Size
2023 MSROC Early Career Workshop and Annual Meeting Participants 70.722 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix III - NSF Report 1328.219 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix IV - UNOLS Update 941.852 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix V - MSROC Update 395.744 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix VI - OBSIC-OS 222.574 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix VII - OBSIC Update 6079.164 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix VIII - RV Marcus Langseth 3022.328 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix IX - Scripps Portable Seismic System 732.253 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix X - NZ3D 4810.926 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XI - Gas, Hydrates, and Slope Failure History at the Cape Fear Slide 6836.732 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XII - Mexico SZ 22703.857 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XIII - Seafloor GNSS 5242.536 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XIV - Canadian OBS 21207.242 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XV - SZ4D 5016.175 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XVI - IODP 625.771 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XVII - Community Experiments 1100.384 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XVIII - Pacific Array 38107.391 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XIX - Interplay between seismicity, fault architecture, slip modes, and regional tectonics at oceanic transform faults 56301.775 KB
2023 Fall Community MSROC Meeting Appendix XX - From resource exploration to tackling tectonophysics: Understanding our dynamic Earth with marine electromagnetics 14354.702 KB
Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
MSROC 2023 Fall Community Meeting Agenda 184.608 KB

2023 Fall Council Meeting

Meeting Site:

Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. The meeting will be held at the ASU Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 310, 777 E. University Drive, Tempe, AZ 85287


November 16, 2023. The meeting will be a half day meeting - 8AM - noon.


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the per diem rate ($151 a night) at the Omni Tempe Hotel.  Please use this link to reserve your room:  Omni Tempe Hotel Reservations.  The cutoff date to reserve a room at this rate is Oct 17, 2023, so please don't delay!


Please let us know if you plan to attend! You can RSVP here: 2023 Annual/Council RSVP

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Arizona State University's Meeting will be held at the Walton Center for Planetary Health, Room 310
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2023 Fall Council Meeting Agenda 102.038 KB
All Sponsor Logo

The 2023 RVTEC Meeting will take place October 23-27th, 2023 in Honolulu, HI.

Monday October 23rd will be dedicated to Cyberinfrastructure, Cybersecurity and related Satellite Communications content. 

Tuesday October 24th - 26th will consist of morning plenary presentations and updates with afternoon breakouts for dedicated subjects and tours of the University of Hawaii Marine Center, R/V KILO MOANA, and ROV. 

Friday October 27th will consist of an optional training day with Tom Wilson of Stony Brook University offering Getting Started in Electronics and Serial Communications.

A reception with appetizers and a cash bar will be held on the evening of Tuesday, October 24th and a recognition dinner will be held on Wednesday October 25th, at the Waikiki Aquarium.

2023 RVTEC is taking place at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii.

A block of rooms has been reserved for meeting participants at the Ala Moana Hotel. Reservations can be made by calling the following dedicated Group Reservations phone numbers.

Reservations Toll Free: (800) 367-6025 
Reservations Local Phone: (808) 955-4811

The 2023 lodging per diem rate for Honolulu, Hawaii is $202.00 a night. 

Meeting Registration 

The registration for 2023 registration is closed. If you have any questions please contact Bridget at

Please see the RVTEC Code of Conduct, applied to all RVTEC events.

Once registered, you can access the Meeting here:


Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
RVTEC Code of Conduct 73.791 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix III - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group 452.27 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix IV - Satellite Network Advisory Group (SatNAG) Update 374.653 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix V - OmniSOC Update 2584.2 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VI - HiSeasNet Update 4793.137 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VII - MISO Potential Fields Pooled Equipment (PFPE) Update 4154.834 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VIII - Multibeam Advisory Committee (MAC) Update 15000.959 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix IX - Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Internship Update 3317.194 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix X - Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships (MERAS) Update 1693.083 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XI - UHDAS Update 1286.707 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XII - Scripps ADCP Pool Update 245.851 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIII - Current State of LADCP Operations at WHOI 7660.424 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIV - Best Practices Group Update 3899.934 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XV - X-Band Radar Pilot Program 4234.701 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVI - NSF Wire Pool Update 2532.978 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVII - West Coast Winch Pool Update 1578.883 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVIII - East Coast Winch Pool Update 44597.378 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIX - National Science Foundation (NSF) Update 2724.084 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXI - Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) Update 6963.364 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXII - Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) Update 4705.08 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIII - Fleet Improvement Committee and Arctic Iceabreaker Coordinating Committee (FIC/AICC) Update 29.41 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIV - Safety Committee Update 113.727 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXV - Marine Sediment Sampling Group (MarSSAM) Update 4197.204 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVI - Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Update 3077.406 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVII - Tech Training Sub-Committee Update 374.555 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVIII - UNOLS Tech Pool Update 271.466 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIX - OmniSOC Breakout 1275.811 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXX - The IT Staffing "Problem" 2918.998 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXI - HiSeasNet Breakout 5317.893 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXII - Fortinet Overview 5769.775 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXIII - Fortigate System Design 9308.373 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXIV - Fortigate Endeavor Installation 7925.675 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXV - Sound Speed Smörgåsbord (MAC) 14188.579 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXVI - Cruise Observations Real-time Interface & Open Live Information eXchange (CORIOLIX) 7495.16 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXVII - Introduction to SAMOS and How it Benefits Shipboard Technicians 5797.161 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXVIII - Vessel Data Management (R2R): Directory Structures & Data Transfer Methods 1502.284 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXIX - Vessel Data Management (R2R): Toward Known Data Structures 1079.287 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLI - East Coast Winch Pool Logging Program 2161.68 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLII - Appendix A: Rick Trask 18140.738 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLIII - Appendix A: Ted Colburn 889.584 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLIV - Appendix B 889.584 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLV - Gravimeters (PFPE/MISO) 748.252 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLVI - 3D Printing on Research Vessels 2539.824 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLVII - CTD Best Practices 918.724 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLVIII - EK80 Best Practices 1456.917 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XLIX - Flow Through Best Practices 2661.609 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix L - MATE Mentor Training 380.895 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LI - DEI Working Group Privilege Walk Update 82.135 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LII - MERAS Committee Breakout 2417.908 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LIII - Junction Box for Connectorized Electro-Optical Wire Terminations 8334.76 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LIV - Viability of Using Fixed Wing Drones for Remote Sensing During Polar Operations 1635.892 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LVI - Fish Out of Water: Issues and Options Moving Heavy Vehicles Around Deck 8229.938 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LVII - X-Brand Radar Breakout 4549.69 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LVIII - Serial Communications 4719.49 KB
2023 RVTEC Meeting Appendix LIX - Introduction to Electronic Design 8688.901 KB
Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu, HI
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2023 RVTEC Meeting Agenda 100.944 KB
- (1 - 3pm)

2023 MSROC Spring Meeting - Virtual

Meeting Site:



April 27, 2023


Topics will include but are not limited to:


  • Update on plans for R/V Marcus G. Langseth and its replacement.
  • Update on plans for submitting proposals that include seismic support.
  • Update on Seismic Science Mission Requirements Survey results.
  • Changes in Committee leadership and membership.


The detailed agenda is being developed.

Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2023 MSROC Spring Meeting - Agenda 159.698 KB
We have set the meeting dates for 19-20 July in Alexandria, VA.  We are planning for a full day on Wednesday 19 July and a 1/2 day on Thursday 20 July.  
The meeting will be held at the Hilton Alexandria Old Town, 1767 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314. 
A block of rooms has been reserved at the hotel for meeting attendees that meets the per diem rate. Please use this link to reserve your room: Hilton Alexandria Old Town. 
The deadline to reserve a room at this special rate is June 29, 2023. 
We look forward to seeing you there.  We will run the meeting as a hybrid meeting so folks can attend virtually - if they can't make it to the DC area for the meeting.
Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Alexandria, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2023 UNOLS AICC Summer Meeting Agenda 211.762 KB

DeSSC will be holding its spring meeting at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution May 10 (full day) & 11 (1/2 day), 2023.   The meeting will end at noon on 11 May.


Carriage House / Quissett Campus

WHOI Quissett Campus Map

Zoom Registration

Please register for the Zoom Meeting here: 

After registration you will receive login information.

Transportation to WHOI

Boston, Logan Airport to Falmouth / Inn on the Square:

There are 2 buses from Boston, Logan Airport to Falmouth / Inn on the Square.  The bus is a comfortable, inexpensive and stressless way to get to Falmouth.  They also have wi-fi.  Have a look at the Peter Pan and P-B bus companies to see which fits best with your flights.  

Hotel Room

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Inn on the Square in Falmouth, MA. You can make your reservations by call the hotel at 508-457-0606 and asking for the UNOLS room block or online at this link: Inn on the Square. The cut-off for our room rate is March 24, 2023 so please make your reservations as soon as possible. 

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Carriage House / Quissett Campus / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2023 Spring DeSSC Meeting Agenda 311.399 KB

A block of rooms has been reserved at the LaJolla Cove Hotel.

Here is the link to our discounted rooms:…

You are also welcome to call the front desk at 858-459-2621. Please mention UNOLS and the front desk agent will be able to assist you.

The cut off date is Tuesday, February 7th, so please be sure to make your reservations soon. 

Scripps Seaside Forum at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, LaJolla, CA

The UNOLS 2024 Winter AICC Meeting will be held in Seattle, WA on 10 & 11 January 2024. The meeting will take place in the Rainer Room on the U.S. Coast Guard Base Seattle. 

This meeting will also take place virtually via Zoom. If you have not received the Zoom link and would like to attend virtually please contact Bridget at

A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Silver Cloud Stadium Hotel. You can make your reservations using this link: Silver Cloud or you can call  the hotel directly at 206.204.9800 and ask for the “UNOLS AICC-Meeting" rate. 

The evening of Wednesday, 10 January at 6:00 pm, we will be meeting at the restaurant / bar, Jimmy's on First, located in the Silver Cloud Hotel. They have a full bar and food menu. This will be a casual gathering without a reserved space. 

Please contact Bridget at with any questions or concerns. 

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
USCG Base Seattle, Rainier Room
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
AICC 2024 Winter Meeting Agenda 201.168 KB