

This will be an in-person meeting; however, Zoom will also be offered for those who cannot attend in person.


Please RSVP for the meeting here: MSROC2022 to help with meeting planning.


UNOLS is not reserving a block of rooms for this meeting.  We anticipate attendees will also be attending AGU 2022.  Accommodations can be reserved through the AGU 2022 website as part of the registration process.


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
University of Illinois - Chicago Student Center East - Room 713
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 MSROC Annual Meeting Agenda 64.15 KB

Options to participate will include in person in Seattle, WA and virtually on

COVID Mitigation Strategy

  • We ask that you take a PCR test prior to traveling to Seattle if possible, if a PCR is not available in your area, please take a rapid test.
  • Three rapid tests will be provided to all in-person attendees at check-in. Please take one before leaving for the meeting in the morning and if you test positive, remain at the hotel. You will still be able to attend the meeting virtually from your room with a laptop or phone.
  • Masks will be required in the venue with regular breaks built into the schedule to get out of the building, speakers will be able to remove them for their presentations. Some masks will be available at the venue.

Register here: 2022 RVTEC Registration

Keynote Presentation

An Underwater Wired Volcano:  Eruptions, Hot Springs and Life

Dr. Deborah S. Kelley

University of Washington

This presentation focuses on the largest and most active underwater volcano off our coast 'Axial Seamount'. This volcano hosts the worlds' most advanced, instrumented submarine observatory, the NSF's Ocean Observatories Regional Cabled Array (RCA) and is directly connected to the terrestrial Internet through >500 km of high power and bandwidth fiber optic cables. Through extensive use of stunning high-resolution video imagery and from data streaming in live from the cable, this presentation will tell the story of the connection between volcanoes, hot springs and novel life forms that thrive in some of the most extreme environments on Earth. 
On April 24, 2015 the cabled observatory lit up as the volcano awoke for the third time since 1998. Over 8,000 earthquakes occurred in 24 hrs. This seismic crisis was concomitant with a 2.4 m collapse of the volcanoes' summit, marking the start of the eruption. Over 30,000 acoustic events delineated explosions as lava spilled onto the seafloor forming multiple flows, one of which reached 127 m in thickness. Microbial life streamed from the cooling lava and covered the glassy surfaces. Fountains of gas-rich lava issuing from seafloor fissures deposited ash on RCA instruments and salt-rich fluids originating from beneath the seafloor spilled into the caldera. Data streaming in 24/7 from the RCA show that the volcano is once again poised to erupt.  
The RCA is maintained during intense, annual operations and maintenance cruises lasting ~ 35-45 days using the UNOLS global class ships and the ROV's Jason and ROPOS. Each year, >200 instruments are recovered and reinstalled on the cabled seafloor network and on cabled state-of-the-art moorings hosting instrumented profiling vehicles. All data are available to a global audience through the OOI data portal.
A ship deck crowded with orange oceanographic equipment

The registration website is available! Register here: 2022 RVTEC Registration

A Block of rooms has been reserved at Graduate Seattle

Reservations can be made online, please visit the following link:  2022 RVTEC 

Or you can make reservations by calling the hotel directly at 206.634.2000 between the hours of 8a.m. – 7p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. – 4p.m. on Saturday and Sunday or by emailing requests to  To guarantee rate and room type, please ensure the name of the group, arrival date, and any other information needed is given at the time of reservation.

Group Names is: 2022 RVTEC

First date of arrival is: 10/31/2022

Last date of departure is: 11/04/2022

Room rate is $176.00

Please be careful to check the dates you are reserving. The booking website automatically ends the reservation on the 11/4, so if you want to leave 11/3 you will have to change the dates. 

The room block for RVTEC has been extended until 10/15/22. Please make your reservations before this date to ensure you get the per diem rate.

Getting Around

Seattle-Tacoma (SEA) is the primary airport for the area and there is a light rail that runs from the airport to the hotel. When arriving at the airport, follow signs for "Link" or "Light Rail". It is a 50 minute ride to the U District Station and a 1 block walk to the north. Google Directions.

Map 2022 RVTEC.png

The meeting will take place at the Alder Hall Auditorium. It is a short 10 minute walk or there are several busses available. Google Directions.

All Significant meeting locations can be found on this Google List.

Graduate Seattle Hotel

4507 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105

Alder Hall Auditorium, Meeting Location

1310 NE 40th St, Seattle, WA 98105

Marine Sciences Building, Reception November 1st

1501 NE Boat St, Seattle, WA 98195

Burke Museum, RVTEC Dinner November 2nd

4303 Memorial Way Northeast, Seattle, WA 98105


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Online conference registration
Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix I - 2022 RVTEC Participant List 54.248 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix II - Icebreakers 22636.687 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix III - RVTEC DEI Working Group 181.921 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix IV - MERAS Committee Update 2492.84 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix V - Shore-based teleoperation of deep submergence ocean exploration vehicles (ROV, AUV, HOV) on UNOLS vessels 2610.066 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VI - NSF Agency Update 1198.037 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VII - ONR Agency Update 101.1 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix VIII - NSF Inspection Update 10089.459 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix IX - High Latitude Comms on USCGC Healy North Pole 2022 1083.071 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix X - NOAA Agency Update 230.358 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendis XI - NSF East Coast Winch Pool 2582.385 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XII - NSF West Coast Winch Pool 2189.221 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIII - NSF Wire Pool 1144.514 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIV - Multibeam Advisory Committee 13085.211 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XV - Potential Fields Pooled Equipment 1436.391 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVI - Rolling Deck to Repository 1705.067 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVII - Ocean Best Practices 1303.879 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVIII - Satellite Network Advisory Group (SatNAG) 352.909 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XIX - Cyberinfrastructure Working Group (CIWG) 2931.123 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XX - Marine Facilities Planner 994.487 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXI - Ship-based Science Technical Support in the Arctic 1778.116 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXII - Tech Training Subcommittee 1378.252 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIII - Regional Class Research Vessel Update 4607.492 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIV - RCRV Coriolix Update 3924.326 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXV - MATE Internship Program 3019.737 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVI - UNOLS Tech Pool Update 376.352 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVII - UHDAS Update 2627.735 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXVIII - Ocean Best Practices Breakout 27427.17 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXIX - Synthetics: RVSS Appendix A Draft Operational Guidelines 470.583 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXX - Piston Coring with Synthetics 3859.746 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXI - Field Safety Toolkits 1591.682 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XXXII - Potential Field Pooled Equipment Breakout Session 1484.964 KB
2022 RVTEC Meeting Appendix XVIII - Marine Meteorology: A really crash course 9283.243 KB
Seattle, WA or Virtual
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 RVTEC Fall Meeting Agenda 212.67 KB

SCOAR Spring Virtual Meeting

Featured talks from Joe Cione/ NOAA Hurricane Research Divisionn and Patrick Gray / Duke University.   

This is a community meeting and all are welcome.


  • Patrick Gray / Duke University - UAS in Marine Science: Examples from Duke's Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Group
  • Joe Cione / NOAA Hurricane Research Division - Developing Three Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems to Routinely Sample the Hurricane Boundary Layer
  • Fall Meeting 
    • Time/Dates/Location
    • Agenda
    • ICCAGRA UxS Discussion
  • Expanding our reach 
  • SCOAR input needed:
Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2022 SCOAR Spring Meeting - Minutes 205.064 KB

2022 UNOLS Annual Meeting

The UNOLS Annual Meeting will be held the afternoon of 17 Nov and the morning of 18 Nov (ending at noon).  This is a great time for the representatives to get engaged in the UNOLS community!


If you plan to attend the Annual meeting, either in person or virtually, please RSVP here:


Remote Participants must register each day.  Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email with login information. 


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the InterContinental New Orleans. You can make your reservations at this website InterContinental New Orleans. This special room rate will only be available until October 15, 2022 so please don't hesitate to make your reservations.  The hotel room block is closed.  Please contact if there are questions.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix I - Participant List 42.658 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix II - Code of Conduct 66.607 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix III - NOAA Update 987.483 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix IV - Dept. of State MSR Update 2372.094 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix V - UNOLS Council Elections 51.785 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix VI - STEMSEAS update 22153.563 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix VII - RCRV Update 7930.765 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix VIII - F.G. Walton Smith Repowering 8794.005 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix IX - HOV Alvin Upgrade 690.297 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix X - LANGSETH Replacement Update 790.513 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendis XI - California Coastal Research Vessel (CCRV) Update 6306.8 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XII - Antarctic Research Vessel (ARV) Update 2068.368 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XIII - 2022 Fleet Ops & 2023 Projections 2214.905 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XIV - BioGeoScapes Update 22114.699 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XV - Empowering Women in Oceanography - Safety First 5157.846 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVI - Safety in Field Science Report - Recap 108.557 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVII - UNOLS Year in Review 625.98 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVIII - Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Internship 3780.273 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XIV - Marine Sediment Sampling Coring Training 2092.953 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XV - UNOLS Early Career Webinars 63.599 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVI - FIC Update 137.307 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVIII - RVTEC Update 133.871 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XIV - SCOAR Update 1444.124 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XV - MSROC Update 50.443 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVI - AICC Update 725.711 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVII - MERAS Update 1688.732 KB
2022 Annual Meeting Appendix XVIII - Committe Members and Calendar 1420.308 KB
Tulane River and Coastal Center, New Orleans, LA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 1062.576 KB

The Fall Council meeting will be at the Tulane River and Coastal Center in New Orleans the morning of 17 November 2022.  It will be preceded on 16 November by a Council visit (jointly with the Fleet Improvement Committee) to the shipyards where the RCRVs are being constructed. The agenda is being developed.


If you plan to attend the Council meeting, either in person or virtually, please RSVP here:


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the InterContinental New Orleans. You can make your reservations at this website InterContinental New Orleans. This special room rate will only be available until October 15, 2022 so please don't hesitate to make your reservations. 


Please register for the meeting here: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Tulane River & Coastal Center, New Orleans, LA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 Fall Council Agenda 650.571 KB

The 2022 FIC Fall meeting will be held at the Tulane River River & Coastal Center.  The committee will also visit (jointly with the UNOLS Council) the shipyards where the RCRVs are being constructed.  Agenda is being developed.


If you plan to attend the FIC meeting, either in person or virtually, please RSVP here:


Click here to register for FIC meeting.  Upon registration you will receive an email with login information.


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the InterContinental New Orleans. You can make your reservations at this website InterContinental New Orleans. This special room rate will only be available until October 15, 2022 so please don't hesitate to make your reservations.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Tulane River & Coastal Center, New Orleans, LA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2022 FIC Fall Agenda 668.358 KB