

2008 FIC Fall Meeting

Meeting Site:
The National Science Foundation
Stafford I - Room 770, 4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2008 FIC Fall Meeting Minutes 74.569 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2008 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 31.866 KB

2006 INMARTECH Meeting

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Village
Woods Hole, MA

Sands of Time, 549 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole
Tel. 1-800-841-0114 or local number (508) 548-6300, Reference "INMARTECH" when making reservations.
Rate: $104 + tax/night

Inn on the Square, 40 North Main St. (Rt. 28), Falmouth
Must call 1-800-676-0000 and ask for Group Sales (reference INMARTECH). If outside of the country call 508-457-0606 then ask for Group Sales.
Rate: 78.00 +tax/night (includes continental breakfast)

Nautilus Motor Inn, 539 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole
Call 1-800-654-2333 or local number (508) 548-1525 and reference INMARTECH 2006. 
Email address:
Rate: $88.00 +tax/night 

Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Housing, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole
MBL Housing Reservations (On-Line only): <;
Rates: $37.50/night double occupancy, $75.00/night single (breakfast is included for an additional fee)

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Group Picture 309.917 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Wire Testing 13649.787 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Survey on Wire Maintenance and Testing 1059.692 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Shipboard Handling Systems 1403.473 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Dynamic and Drag Induced Loads on Marine Cranes 601.076 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: RRS James Cook 9964.394 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: R/V Pourquoi pas? Paper 488.005 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: R/V Pourquois pas? Powerpoint 7212.127 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: RSS James Clark Ross Recent Developments 4534.616 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Dynamic and Drag Induced Loads on Marine Cranes 601.076 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: ABE and Sentry AUV's 4102.444 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Video Plankton Recorder Overview 1371.677 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: HD TV on Hyper Dolphin 3086.605 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: First Year of Kaiko 7000 30017.882 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Towed Ocean Bottom Instrument Upgrades 1989.953 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: HROV for Full Ocean Depth Exploration 1945.86 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Gliders/Argo 3507.948 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: WHOI Long Core Update 7041.149 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Shipboard ADCP Systems and Heading Sensors 15129.8 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Acoustic Backscatter 10499.272 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Pressure Retaining Deep-Sea Sampler 6997.154 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Improvement of Air-Gun System 2963.85 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: RRS James Cook Ross Propulsion Control System 1380.396 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: QuIC System 5941.976 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: The Frame-Grabber System 7901.613 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: SAMOS Data Assembly Center 11079.375 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Virtual Integrated Data System 16906.272 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: WHOI's Underway Data Collection System 2814.292 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: SW06 Data Handling 2923.704 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Roles of NME Research Associates 4113.95 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: NOAA Scientific Computer System 10452.026 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Data Management Tools for Oceanographic Research 7567.384 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: SW06 Operations and Logistics 4570.436 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: The ORION Global Scale Observatory 1886.555 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: MARS 3594.898 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Ocean Bottom Seismology at WHOI 4821.351 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Fast Thermistor String 4159.345 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Metal-Free Instrumented Block and Light Weight 290.378 KB
Using Hot Glue/Heatshrink for Terminations (Rowe) 4356.772 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Seafloor Search with Remote Sensing 3634.455 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Securing Fish Exclusion Cages on the Sea Bed 2660.493 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Improved Mooring Cable Stopper 1972.887 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: New Water Sampler Valve 2416.856 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Hull Penetrating Instrumentation 2276.485 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Sea Surface Temperature Monitoring 609.28 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: R/V Kilo Moana 18010.234 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: A Guide to Making Climate Quality Measurements at Sea 6093.427 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Three Solutions Found for Irish Research Vessels 4643.642 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: MSRC Vortex Debubbler 2542.739 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: International Shipping 198.853 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: International Guide to ISPM 196.794 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: SWAP 21659.966 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: HiSeasNet 6166.011 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: R/V Pelican's Experiences with HiSeasNet 1252.972 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Wecoma 170.079 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: R/V Thomas G Thompson 742.927 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: WHOI 36.456 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Scripps Institution of Oceanography 392.313 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: Ocean Drill Ship 87.261 KB
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Papers: British Antarctic Survey 1146.703 KB
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Proceedings 3190.703 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2006 INMARTECH Meeting Agenda 996.062 KB

2008 SSC Ship Scheduling Meeting

Meeting Cancelled

Hosted by:
National Science Foundation
Arlington, VA

Committee Reference
Ship Scheduling Committee (SSC)
Arlington, VA

2008 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting

Hosted by:
via teleconference


Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Phone/Web Conference
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2008 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting Minutes 59.196 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2008 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting Agenda 72.573 KB

2008 DESSC Spring Meeting

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Carriage House
Woods Hole, MA


Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2008 DESSC Spring Meeting Minutes 152.429 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2008 DESSC Spring Meeting Agenda 44.277 KB

2008 SCOAR Spring Meeting

Hosted by:
Marina, CA


Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Marina, CA

2008 MLSOC Committee Meeting

Hosted by:
UCSD - Scripps - Nimitz Marine Facility (MARFAC)
297 Rosecrans Street
San Diego, CA 92106-3505


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
San Diego, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2008 MLSOC Committee Meeting Minutes 191.505 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2008 MLSOC Committee Meeting Agenda 359.847 KB

2008 RVOC Annual Meeting

Hosted by:
Old Dominion University
Webb Center – 1200 Webb University Center – River Rooms
Norfolk, VA


Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Attachment Size
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Participants 113.668 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Geotraces Presentation 1450.882 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Simplified Voyage Data Recorders 13.114 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Harken Blocks 31.3 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Jason Cradle and FLIR System 383.847 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 542.454 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Safety Committee Version 5 26.976 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting DESSC Report 57.301 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting FIC Report 11.085 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting RHOV Report 1218.865 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting MLSOC Report 99.152 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting NURC/NATO Report 1253.225 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting NERC Update 2166.898 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 279.319 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting ARRV Report 264.657 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Langseth Report 5046.795 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Marine Insurance and Legal Update 3109.094 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting 3 Point Solutions, Inc. 4573.96 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Peak & Low Load Detection 9.362 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Markey Winches 3110.64 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Rapp Hydema 2828.329 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Sharp Winches 1323.818 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting RCRV and ARRV NSF Report 155.601 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting General Arrangement of UMCES R/V 1540.686 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Construction Photos for UMCES R/V 750.086 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting SWL Estimator Spreadsheet 1721.724 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Wire Rope Inspection Update 2123.47 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting NOAA Report 1709.864 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting NSF Report 438.738 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting R/V Western Flyer Grounding 1014.15 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Canada Shipping Act 2001 and Oil Spill Response Program 29.132 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Crew and Technician Recruiting and Retention 804.852 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS East Coast Van Pool 45.782 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting California Regulations 10.548 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting PCA and Safety Statistics 1048.381 KB
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Code of Conduct for Marine Scientific Research Vessels 70.467 KB
Norfolk, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes 721.216 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2008 RVOC Annual Meeting Agenda 25.395 KB

2014 Fall OOSC Meeting

Meeting Site:
Rutgers University

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

New Brunswick, New Jersey
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 OOSC Meeting Agenda 72.698 KB