

2010 AICC Winter Meeting

December 9 - 10, 2010

Hosted by:
Rainier Room
U.S. Coast Guard Facility
Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Seattle, WA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 AICC Winter Meeting Minutes 888.881 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 AICC Winter Meeting Agenda 114.774 KB

2014 RVTEC Annual Meeting

November 16 - 18, 2010

Hosted by:
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Participants 195.762 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting BIOS Introduction Slides 1060.031 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting NSF Report 4297.214 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting USCG Report 456.692 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Office Transitions 979.687 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting PFPE Gravimeters 683.146 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 3672.094 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Portable SCUBA Diving Operations Van 863.531 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UHDAS and ADCP Update 50.781 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting R2R Report 7134.675 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting OSU Data Acquisition System Installation Update 349.27 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting HiSeasNet Focus Group Recap 590.246 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Fleet Broadband 924.779 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Effort 9542.603 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Multibeam Systems Status Update 1061.953 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Best Practices and Pre-Cruise Planning 1708.606 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS SWAB Program 47.998 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting JMS Inspection Report 4643.137 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Winch and Wire Session Appendix A 7547.479 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting MTNW LCI-90i Display 22669.473 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting R/V Kilo Moana LHS 2328.763 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS LHS Appendix B 1870.418 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Van Pool Update 483.757 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Year in Review 4411.746 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting MATE Center Update 4278.234 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting FIC Report 126.372 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 914.701 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 637.507 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Web Resources 870.957 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Education Subcommittee 3291.297 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Meeting Locations 42.298 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting SWAP Update 42.422 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting OSU IEEE/MTS Oceans 2010 Seattle 182.629 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Vessel Tracker 2292.795 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting NOAA's Scientific Computer System 38.372 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: HiSeasNet 1366.79 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Effort 9542.603 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: Multibeam Systems Status 5841.984 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: R2R Cruise Directory Structure 338.344 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: SAMOS Real-Time Data 2341.839 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: R2R Event Log 4082.228 KB
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Meeting Focus Group: BGM-3 Gravimeters 588.496 KB
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Minutes 571.9 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 RVTEC Annual Meeting Agenda 115.351 KB

2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting

October 14 - 15, 2010

Hosted by:
The National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Stafford II, Room 555
Arlington, VA 22230

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Participants 193.386 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Vessel Operations in the Gulf of Mexico 538.529 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting NOAA Report 1076.039 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Fleet Operations and 2011 Recommendations 733.189 KB
2010 FIC Fall Meeting RCRV Project Summary and Status 71.391 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting OCRV Acquisition 149.456 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 2892 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Keynote Address 2530.085 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting OOI Project Update 3023.514 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting RHOV Project Update 1704.826 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting DESSC Report 306.266 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Consortium for Ocean Leadership (COL) Report 36.424 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Greening the Research Fleet 346.956 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 1682.18 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting R2R Report 3947.663 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting STARC Solicitation 339.024 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting IWG-FI Status Update 333.287 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Goals and Priorities 426.369 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Decline in Ship Time Demand Evaluation 475.551 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Year in Review 1302.409 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Membership Ballot Results 464.438 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 491.458 KB
2010 FIC Fall Meeting Chief Scientist Training Workshop 24.316 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting RVOC Report 646.395 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting RVTEC Report 453.965 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting AICC Report 679.772 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting MLSOC Report 503.805 KB
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting SCOAR Report 2680.434 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Minutes 3148.945 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 38.573 KB

2010 MLSOC Fall Meeting

October 24 - 25, 2010

Hosted by:
Humphreys Half Moon Inn & Suites
Shelter Island
San Diego, California


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
San Diego, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 MLSOC Fall Meeting Minutes 48.015 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 MLSOC Fall Meeting Agenda 132.173 KB

2010 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting

October 14, 2010

Hosted by:
National Science Foundation
Stafford II - Room 555
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA


Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting Minutes 308.466 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting Agenda 25.446 KB

2010 FIC Fall Meeting

October 13, 2010

Hosted by:
The National Science Foundation
Stafford II - Room 555
Arlington, VA 22230


Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 FIC Fall Meeting Minutes 303.925 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 436.381 KB

2010 SCOAR Summer Meeting

June 22 - 23, 2010

Hosted by:
CIRPAS Facility
Marina, CA

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Marina, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2010 SCOAR Summer Meeting Minutes 152.822 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2010 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting Agenda 24.483 KB