

2011 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting

December 4, 2011

Hosted by:
Marriot Marquis, Golden Gate Room C3 
55 Fourth Street
San Francisco, CA

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
San Francisco, CA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 DESSC Fall/Winter Meeting Agenda 111.28 KB

2011 Polar Research Vessel (PRV) Committee Meeting

December 1 - 2, 2011

Hosted by: 
National Science Foundation
Stafford I - Room 730
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 Polar Research Vessel (PRV) Committee Meeting Agenda 15.375 KB

2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting

November 14 - 18, 2011

Hosted by:
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
739 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
739 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Airport Information:
The closest airport is Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport 

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Participants 63.621 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Documenting Hypoxia in the Gulf 9251.954 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Icebreaker Session Part A 3893.812 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Icebreaker Session Part B 14335.874 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Icebreaker Session Part C 17692.114 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting NSF Report 2784.924 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 1211.599 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting R2R Report 6647.217 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting R2R Quality Assurance 7691.919 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting UHDAS and ADCP Update 574.921 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting BGM-3 Gravimeters in the Fleet 3814.593 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting JMS Inspection Report 16754 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Research Vessel Safety Standards Appendix 55.766 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Vessel Tracker 780.059 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Termination of SeaSpy Magnetometer/Gradiometer System 2350.834 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting PRV SMR Refresh Project Update 266.514 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting MATE Center Update 12553.293 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Optimizing Multibeam Data Quality 2977.758 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Multibeam Status 1431.147 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Pre-Cruise Planning Initiative 8496.123 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting LCI-90i Discussion and Feedback 60.674 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Network Infastructure, Topology, Routing, Shipboard Wifi, IT 58.751 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Sikuliaq IT Overview 4614.269 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting FB Managed Service Practical Solutions 2813.097 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting HiSeasNet 2011 Highlights 6596.464 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting USAP Vessel Fleet Broadband Use 2920.384 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting FBB Use 295.242 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Van Pool Update 962.857 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting West Coast Van Pool Update 134.896 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting PCAR Subcommittee Update 519.671 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Education Committee Report 2041.31 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting INMARTECH 2012 89.702 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVTEC Meeting Locations 42.248 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting FIC Report 1781.948 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting RVOC Report 172.751 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 2399.329 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 6236.318 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Project Report 2220.927 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting CTD Troubleshooting 1637.478 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: SWAP Report 522.473 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: SIOeis Multi-ping Knudsen 3260 Data 1314.717 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: Trawl Resistant OBS by LDEO 15756.386 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: SIO/STS Calibration Laboratory 801.707 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: Ocean Class AGOR Project 1353.478 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: Internet at Sea 3795.813 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 15: STARC 1198.125 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 16: Shipboard Nutrient Analyses 1417.587 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 16: R2R Science Event Logger Update 3538.187 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 16: Dragging for Lost Moorings Procedures 1916.772 KB
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Poster Sessions, Nov 16: Lightweight Summary of the Lightspeed Situation 1032.881 KB
New Orleans, LA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Minutes 363.748 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 RVTEC Annual Meeting Agenda 187.795 KB

2011 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting

October 25 - 26, 2011

Hosted by: 
National Science Foundation
Stafford II - Room 555
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Participants 61.235 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS at 40 Years 2452.952 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting NOAA Report 1222.185 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting USCG Report 472.64 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting IWG-FI Report 525.046 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting SSC Report 1653.535 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting 2011 Council Slate 1653.657 KB
U.S. Academic Research Fleet Operations Support - Findings and Recommendations for CY2012 - Powerpoint 1313.369 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project Report 2189.335 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting OOI Status Report 2031.489 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Ocean Class AGOR Acquisition Status 737.042 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Greening the Fleet Workshop Report 1223.197 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting PRV SMR Refresh Project Update 1144.977 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Speaker Series 728.72 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Goals and Priorities 728.819 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting FIC Report 455.487 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting RVOC Report 145.639 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting DESSC Report 1587.121 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting AICC Report 1222.081 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting MLSOC Report 2125.454 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Keynote Address 2758.25 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting SCOAR Report 1089.397 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting OOSC Report 475.541 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 1218.252 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting R2R Report 4783.143 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Vessel Usage Survey Summary 2486.696 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Early Career Investigator Chief Scientist Training Program 2583.346 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Outreach & Training Initiatives 1376.003 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS/MATE Internship Program 1218.357 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Gender Climate at Sea 1218.375 KB
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 1218.233 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Annual Meeting Agenda 133.682 KB

2011 FIC Fall Meeting

October 24, 2011

Hosted by:
National Science Foundation
Stafford II - Room 555
Arlington, VA 22230


Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 FIC Fall Meeting Minutes 254.163 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 104.871 KB

2011 MLSOC Summer Meeting

July 12, 2011

Hosted by:


Committee Reference
Marine Seismic Research Operations Committee (MSROC)
via Teleconference
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 Summer MLSOC Meeting Minutes 34.904 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 MLSOC Summer Meeting Agenda 31.565 KB

2011 SCOAR Spring Meeting

June 23 - 24, 2011

Hosted by:
CIRPAS Facility
Marina, CA

Committee Reference
Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (SCOAR)
Marina, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2011 SCOAR Spring Meeting Minutes 300.781 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 SCOAR Spring Meeting Agenda 109.065 KB

2011 DESSC Spring Meeting

June 16 - 17, 2011

Hosted by:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Smith Conference Room (Woods Hole Village)
Woods Hole, MA


Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 DESSC Spring Meeting Agenda 115.305 KB

2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting

June 14 - 15, 2011

Hosted by:
Web/Phone conference


Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Participants 50.669 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Fleet Schedules 1625.232 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting BP Research Funding for the Gulf of Mexico 1630.138 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Consortium for Ocean Leadership 482.15 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Infrastructure for Ocean Research 1625.699 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting FIC Report 1626.121 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Antarctic Research Vessels 1625.646 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting FIC Nominations for Ocean Class Advisory Committee 1625.323 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 1629.923 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting RCRV Report 1215.173 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Early Career Investigator Oceanographic Research Cruise 51.3 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Evaluation of Decline in Ship Time Requests 879.402 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Involvement at Future Science Meetings 1215.578 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Post Cruise Assessment Report (PCAR) Subcommittee Update 1215.411 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting R2R Program Update 49.436 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Tech Recruitment & Retention Pilot Program Update 753.489 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Gender Climate at Sea 698.182 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Annual Meeting Plans 680.694 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Committee Nominations 680.747 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting OOSC Report 67.976 KB
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting UNOLS Council Nominations 680.486 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2011 UNOLS Spring Council Meeting Agenda 163.685 KB