

1996 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting

Meeting Site:
Naval Oceanographic Office
Stennis Space Center
Building 1002, Room 162
Stennis, Mississippi

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Stennis, MS
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1996 UNOLS Council Meeting Summary Report (Winter) 347.887 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1996 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Agenda 92.814 KB

1996 FIC Winter Meeting

Meeting Site: 
Naval Oceanographic Office 
Stennis Space Center 
Stennis, Mississippi 

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Stennis, MS
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1996 FIC Meeting Summary Report (February 2-3) 264.813 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1996 FIC Winter Meeting Agenda 59.021 KB

1997 DESSC Fall Meeting

Meeting Site:
Moscone Center, Room 238
San Francisco, CA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
San Francisco, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 DESSC Meeting Summary Report (Winter) 22727.486 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1997 DESSC Fall Meeting Agenda 108.478 KB

1997 FIC Fall Meeting

Meeting Site:
NOAA Pacific Marine Center, 2nd Floor 
1801 Fairview Drive, E
Seattle, Washington 98109

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Seattle, WA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 FIC Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 401.297 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1997 FIC Fall Meeting Agenda 115.498 KB

1997 RVTEC Annual Meeting

Meeting Site: 
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Seattle, WA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 RVTEC Annual Meeting Minutes 244.135 KB

1997 RVOC Annual Meeting

Meeting Site: 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA
Sessions held at the Quissett Campus

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes (Fall) 2104.067 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1997 RVOC Annual Meeting Agenda 2104.106 KB

1997 DESSC ATV Meeting

Meeting Site:
Ntional Science Foudation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 DESSC ATV Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 11833.31 KB

1997 AICC Fall Meeting

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)

1997 UNOLS Annual Meeting

Meeting Site: 
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 UNOLS Annual Meeting Summary Report (September) 7550.823 KB

1997 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting

Meeting Site: 
National Science Foundation, Room 1235
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Arlington, VA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1997 UNOLS Council Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 920.422 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
1997 UNOLS Fall Council Meeting Agenda 132.89 KB