

2013 RVTEC Annual Meeting

February 11 - 15, 2013 (Rescheduled from Nov. 2012 due to weather)

Hosted by:
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
Palisades, NY

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Participants 48.727 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Icebreaker Session Presentation 6057.828 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting ADCP & UHDAS in the Fleet 175.991 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting MC800 Multicorers with Camera 1546.556 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting R2R Program Report 3295.815 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting MATE Update 2882.551 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting NSF Report 200.134 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Navy and Ocean Class R/V Report 3395.861 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting JMS Inspection Report 3532.895 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting HiSeasNet Update and Highlights 1329.915 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 1744.695 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Radioisotopes Onboard Vessels 3316.089 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Fleet Broadband Comms on UNOLS Ships Update 443.349 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Immarsat FBB Update and KA Band Services 6524.751 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting WorldLink ShipSat Gateway 7968.02 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting DAS Technical Session Summary 278.657 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting R/V Safety Standards Appendix A & B 1366.435 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting East and West Coast Winch Pools 719.469 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting SCOAR Report 1378.118 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Report 933.231 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: HiSeasNet Satellite Basics 5915.702 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: HiSeasNet Equipment Basic Training 8885.309 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: HiSeasNet Case Studies 1989.395 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: R2R Best Practices for Navigation Data Collection 727.469 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: R2R Event Logger 4414.007 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: SAMOS Real Time MET/TSG 1210.384 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Technical Sessions: Arduino Session 1003.51 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: 3D Seismic Navigation and Positioning 1320.488 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: 3D Marine Survey Seismic Planning 1729.033 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Data Management and Networking - R/V Langseth 1280.708 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Seismic Data Examples 1828.219 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Thresholds for Navigation Quality Assessment 2316.44 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: New Integrated for Monitoring BGM-3 Gravimeters 2330.816 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory: R/V Apalachee 2467.214 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: R2R Event Logger 992.824 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: R2R Quality Assessment of CTD Profile Data 554.914 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: MC-800 Multicorer 569.727 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Accuracy of R/Vs as in situ Sources of Surface Flux Data 327.01 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Contributing Real-Time MET and TSG Data to SAMOS 474.285 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: A Dashboard Interface for Data Collected Aboard Oceanographic R/Vs 1810.225 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: Hybrid Approach to Data Acquisition and Management 1481.838 KB
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Posters: OER's Mobile Telepresence Unit Aboard R/V Revelle 2437.408 KB
Palisades, NY
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Minutes 348.873 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2012 RVTEC Annual Meeting Agenda 217.541 KB

2014 Summer Council Meeting

Meeting Site:
Holiday Inn at Ballston

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Participants 10.35 KB
2014 SCOAR Meeting Appendix II - Interagency Working Group on Facility Infrastructure 843.659 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NSF Report 1162.308 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NSF Report 1162.308 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Working Group Report 1431.084 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Fleet Sched. and 2015 Ship Sched. 818.327 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council FIC Meeting Summary Report 306.947 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Neil Armstrong & Sally Ride Update 3131.66 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting R/V Sikuliaq and RCRV 1435.961 KB
2014 SCOAR Meeting Appendix X - Measurements of the marine atmospheric boundary layer and air-sea interaction from ship-launched ScanEagle UAVs 3153.498 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative 1000.817 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Chief Scientist Training Cruise 2467.077 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Future Chief Scientist Training Initiatives 842.256 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting OS Meeting Booth 1544.045 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting MLSOC Early Career Workshop 367.945 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting DESSC Early Career Workshop 335.269 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Ship/Shore Comm. Subcommittee 360.864 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Telepresence & UNOLS Pilot Program 4348.657 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Designation of R/V Sikuliaq 37.399 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Technician Pool 105.943 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Goals 195.178 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Committee Appointments 452.757 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NOAA Anthropogenic Sound 938.651 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Greening Fleet Initiative 727.524 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Medical Marijuana and CG 90.456 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Medical Marijuana and CG 90.456 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting RVOC 235.673 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting MLSOC 738.761 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Safety Standards 87.012 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Guidelines for Incorporating New Assets 82.177 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting AICC 829.83 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting DESSC 267.977 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Agenda 111.618 KB

2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting

Meeting Site: 
The Holiday Inn at Ballston
4610 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Participants 10.35 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting FIC Early Career Scientist 1361.824 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NSF Report 1162.308 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NOAA/OMOA Report 631.93 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Working Group Report 1431.084 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Fleet Sched. and 2015 Ship Sched. 818.327 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council FIC Meeting Summary Report 306.947 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Neil Armstrong & Sally Ride Update 3131.66 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting R/V Sikuliaq and RCRV 1435.961 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Ocean Observatories Initiative 1000.817 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Alvin Upgrade Project 4856.577 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Chief Scientist Training Cruise 2467.077 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Future Chief Scientist Training Initiatives 842.256 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting OS Meeting Booth 1544.045 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting MLSOC Early Career Workshop 367.945 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting DESSC Early Career Workshop 335.269 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Ship/Shore Comm. Subcommittee 360.864 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Telepresence & UNOLS Pilot Program 4348.657 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Designation of R/V Sikuliaq 37.399 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Technician Pool 105.943 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Goals 195.178 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Committee Appointments 452.757 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting NOAA Anthropogenic Sound 938.651 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Greening Fleet Initiative 727.524 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Medical Marijuana and CG 90.456 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting OOSC 121.121 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting RVOC 235.673 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting MLSOC 738.761 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Safety Standards 87.012 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Guidelines for Incorporating New Assets 82.177 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting AICC 829.83 KB
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting DESSC 267.977 KB
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 UNOLS Winter Council Meeting Agenda 111.618 KB

2014 FIC Spring Meeting

Meeting Site: 
Tuesday, March 11: Marine Acoustics, Inc.
4100 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203 

Wednesday, March 12: The Holiday Inn at Ballston
4610 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 FIC Spring Meeting Agenda 108.526 KB

2014 SSC Global Scheduling Meeting

Meeting Site:
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
La Jolla, CA 92037

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Ship Scheduling Committee (SSC)
La Jolla, CA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 SSC Global Scheduling Meeting Agenda 33.293 KB

2014 Ship/Shore Communications Subcommittee

Meeting Site: 
National Science Foundation (NSF) Room 330
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Arlington, VA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 Ship/Shore Comms Subcommittee Agenda 86.346 KB

2014 AICC Winter Meeting

Meeting Site:
Marine Acoustics Inc.
4100 Fairfax Drive, Suite 730
Arlington, VA 22203


Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2014 Winter AICC Meeting Minutes 81.86 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 AICC Winter Meeting Agenda 95.329 KB

The 9th International Marine Technician, INMARTECH 2014, Symposium was held at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis, Oregon on November 18-21, 2014.  INMARTECH symposia were initiated with the purpose of providing a forum for marine technicians to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences, thereby aiming to improve equipment performance, deployment, and operational techniques during scientific cruises on research vessels.

For more information visit the INMARTECH 2014 Symposium's website

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
Attachment Size
INMARTECH 2014 - Participant List 81.814 KB
INMARTECH 2014 Icebreaker Session 3611.015 KB
INMARTECH 2014 Presentation: Ultra Clean Zodiac winch and sampling bottles for the Antarctic 3216.38 KB
INMARTECH 2014 Presentation: CSIRO's Integrated Coring Platform 3903.161 KB
INMARTECH 2014 Presentation: Flanders Marine Institute's research infrastructure network 2885.855 KB
INMARTECH 2014 Presentation: The OceanRAIN Optical Disdrometer System for All-weather Shipboard Precipitation Measurement 5054.911 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: R/V Parke Snavely - A Lot of Science with a Little Boat - White, Jenny (U.S. Geological Survey) 2458.51 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: Paper to Steel - Lessons from R/V Sikuliaq - Willis, Marc (Oregon State University - CEOAS) 2321.865 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: Recent developments at NIOZ - Smit, Marck (NIOZ - Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) 2745.121 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: OceanScope: "Satellites of the Sea" - Ortner, Peter (CIMAS/RSMAS/University of Miami) 4514.161 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: AMOS: Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic Systems - Vail, Aubri (University of Miami) 3491.71 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: The New USGS Benthic OBservation Sled (BOB Sled) High Definition Seafloor Video Camera System - Hatcher, Gerry (U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal & Marine Science Center) 1168.402 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: Regional Class Research Vessel Project – Clare Reimers (OSU) 2409.113 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: CSIRO’s New Research Vessel, RV Investigator – Palmer, Rod (CSIRO) 2055.852 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – New Technologies Session: How a Fiber can be Used as a Leak Detector - Eaton, Joshua (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 187.89 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Data Stewardship for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet - Arko, Robert (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) 13012.457 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Development of Open Data Sharing Practices and Workflows for Schmidt Ocean Institute and R/V Falkor - Miller, Allison (Schmidt Ocean Institute) 2905.973 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Understanding and Assessing CTD Data Quality: better data for better science - Nobre, Carolina (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 6404.715 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Shipboard Technical Support at Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Becker, Susan (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) 1306.227 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Underway Data Management via the SAMOS Initiative - Smith, Shawn (COAPS, The Florida State University) 2008.09 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: OMAO Data Management Roadmap - Van Waes, Mark (NOAA) 1223.543 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Data Management Session: Alternative Data Processing Regime for Emergency Response and Conventional Hydrographic Surveys - Younkin, Eric (NOAA, Office of Coast Survey) 2801.434 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Technicians Session: The MATE Center: Preparing Trained Workers for Today’s Marine Technical Workforce - Sarkar, Nandita (MATE Center, Monterey Peninsula College) 1605.673 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Technicians Session: The MATE Center: Preparing Trained Workers for Today’s Marine Technical Workforce - Matthews, Nick (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences) 2291.461 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Technicians Session: MATE Center At-Sea Internship – Brugger, Sonia (MATE Intern) 664.738 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Technicians Session: Collaborative Efforts of French National Institutes for Marine Technicians and Engineers Training - Terre, Thierry (Ifremer/Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans) 110.466 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Ship/Shore Communications Session: Bandwidth Management Tools - Kaye, Sarah (U.S. Coast Guard) 2132.879 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Ship/Shore Communications Session: Bandwidth Management Tools on R/V Sikuliaq - Haverlack, John (University of Alaska Fairbanks) and Anderson, Britton (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 987.348 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Ship/Shore Communications Session: Deploying New Strategies to Manage Internet Capacity Shortfall - Cohen, Nathaniel (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) 6307.033 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Ship/Shore Communications Session: Earth Station Bandwidth Management Tools - Foley, Steve (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) 1854.13 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Wires and Winches Session: Synthetic Wires, Experience, Strength and Hope - Hensen, Andrew (National Oceanographic Center) 4579.759 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Wires and Winches Session: A Hydrostatic Wire Cutter, or How to Save Wire - Eaton, Joshua (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/UNOLS East Coast Winch-pool) 399.587 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Wires and Winches Session: Introduction to Active Heave Compensation Winches - Eaton, Joshua (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 1112.811 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Shipboard IT Session: Cloud Services and its Role in Fleet Information Technology - Baczkowski, Joseph (DOC\NOAA\Office of Marine and Aviation Operations) 1852.598 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Wires and Winches Session: R/V L'Europe - A Ship with New Capabilities - Nokin, Marc (Ifremer) 4214.495 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Wires and Winches Session: R/V Sikuliaq IT Deployment - Haverlack, John (University of Alaska Fairbanks / R/V Sikuliaq) and Anderson, Britton (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 1731.278 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – MG&G Session: Exploring the Potential Fields: 8 Years of Potential Fields Pool Equipment Facility Work at WHOI - Kinsey, James (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 2663.48 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – MG&G Session: Development of a New Generation Ocean Bottom Seismometer for Large-Scale Seismic Survey - Sugano, Masato (JAMSTEC - Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) 4733.391 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – MG&G Session: Technical Workshop on the R/V Marcus G Langseth as academic Seismic Surveying platform - Steinhaus, Robert (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) 13476.607 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – ADCP and Echosounder Session: Improving ADCP Data Quality - Hummon, Julia M. (University of Hawaii) 682.204 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – ADCP and Echosounder Session: Some of the Tools Developed by Ifremer - Floc'h, Henri (Ifremer) 2842.132 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – ADCP and Echosounder Session: CIAM: A Frame for ADCP deployment - Terre, Thierry (Ifremer/Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans) 2642.653 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – ADCP and Echosounder Session: Single Beam Echosounder Test Equipment Presentation and Demonstration - Turnbull, James (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) 17380.756 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Telepresence Plenary: Applications of Telepresence Technology and Protocols for Ocean Research and Education – Implications for the UNOLS Fleet Presenter: Dwight Coleman (University of Rhode Island) 8383.511 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: Buoy Vandalism at NDBC – Kohler, Craig and Wise, Jeffrey (National Data Buoy Center) 5201.687 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: NDBC’s Smart Module Applications - Riley, Rodney (NOAA/National Data Buoy Center) 5332.351 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: SCOOP - The Future of NDBC Real-Time Data Collection and Reporting - Elliott, James (NOAA/National Data Buoy Center) 3970.925 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Moorings: New Capabilities for Seagoing Science - Dever, Ed (Oregon State University) 1965.165 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: Data Retrieval System from Underwater Devices: Applications to Deep C-PIES and ADCP Frame - Terre, Thierry (Ifremer/ Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans) 2541.991 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Buoys and Mooring Session: DUST-TRAFFIC: the Mid Atlantic surface buoys project - Witte, Yvo (NIOZ) 4839.806 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Sonar Session: Sonar Interference – Hummon, Jules (University of Hawaii) and Johnson, Paul (Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire) 669.077 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Sonar Session: EM302 Plus OS75 Test – Peters, Colleen (Schmitt Ocean Institute) 1807.961 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Acoustic Session: Optimizing Sonar Performance by Managing Acoustics - Yearta, Marisa (Gates Acoustic Services) 2916.988 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: Autonomous Technologies for Ocean Observations - Beaverson, Chris (Acentia, LLC) 15344.842 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: Operating Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) from Research Vessels - Jacobs, Todd (NOAA UAS Program) 51061.76 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: How to Use Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Gliders to Make Your Oceanography Better - Shearman, Robert Kipp (Oregon State University) 13530.023 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: NOAA's use of AUVs for Hydrographic Survey - Downs, Rob (NOAA, Office of Coast Survey) 3832.955 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: 10:45 Anatomy of a Slocum Electric Glider Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - White, Douglas (University of Delaware) 5021.645 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: Norwegian Marine Robotics Facility (NORMAR): Remotely Operated Vehicle for Deep Marine Research - Steinsland, Asgeir (Institute of Marine Research) 46146.752 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Unmanned Systems Session: 11:25 Recent Advances in Underwater Robots at the Deep Submergence Laboratory - Kinsey, James (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 7260.066 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Training Session: Electronics and Electrical Safety Training - Chuck Sekafetz 4633.09 KB
INMARTECH 2014 – Training Session: Anaerobics: Threadlockers, Thread Sealants and Retaining Compounds - Jenner Guttman, Henkel International 2138.115 KB
2014 INMARTECH Poster: Meteorological Observation on Research Vessels - Jeremy Rolph (FSU), Daniel Wolfe (NOAA), Shawn R. Smith (FSU) 969.384 KB
2014 INMARTECH Poster: Porposed SAMOS on the R/V Apalachee - Jeremy Rolph (FSU), Daniel Wolfe (NOAA), Shawn R. Smith (FSU) 4492.194 KB
Corvallis, OR
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
INMARTECH 2014 – Technical Program Guide 2237.97 KB
2014 RVOC Participants

2014 Research Vessel Operators Committee Meeting

April 22* - 25, 2014

*Safety Committee Meeting April 22
RVOC Meeting April 23 - 15

Meeting Site:
University of Georgia/Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
10 Ocean Science Circle
Savannah, GA 31411

Courtyard Savannah Midtown
6703 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31405

The group rate is $89.00. You must book your room by March 31, 2014 to receive the group rate!
Please contact Rosemary White with any reservation issues: or 401-874-6825

Airport Information:
The closest airport is Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport
Savannah, GA.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Attachment Size
2014 RVOC Meeting Maximum Capability Document Report 47.672 KB
DESH-5 Winch Upgrade and Refurbishment 213.332 KB
Electronic Chart Display and Information System 31.491 KB
2014 RVOC Annual Meeting UNOLS Report 690.636 KB
2014 RVOC Safety Committee Report 287.35 KB
2014 RVOC Ship Scheduling Committee Report 620.735 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting Fleet Improvement Committee Update 302.829 KB
2014 RVOC Annual Meeting RVTEC Update 65.257 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting NSF Report 963.984 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting ONR Report 754.942 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting NOAA Report 724.314 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting UNOLS Wire Pool Update 540.569 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting East Coast Winch Pool Update 526.922 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting West Coast Winch Pool Update 1003.257 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting PCAR and Safety Update 296.418 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting West Coast Van Pool Update 359.711 KB
2014 RVOC East Coast Van Pool Update 270.595 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting Fleet Broadband Update 87.228 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting Schmidt Ocean Institute Update 1305.252 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting National Oceanography Centre Update 3717.398 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting NIOZ-OFEG Update 903.318 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting DRDC Atlantic Update 313.609 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting NSF Ship Inspection Program Update 10695.824 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting Regional Class Research Vessel Update - OSU 1458.784 KB
2014 RVOC Regional Class Research Vessel Update - NSF 607.293 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting R/V Sikuliaq Update 4460.39 KB
2014 Meeting R/V Armstrong and R/V Ride Update 2316.02 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting AGOR Midlife Refit Update 250.479 KB
Cruise Personnel Manifest and Radioisotope Awareness 356.718 KB
USCG Marine Safety Unit Savannah 2095.968 KB
2014 RVOC Ship Happens Law and Insurance Update 3859.845 KB
2014 RVOC Meeting Green Boats and Blue Harbors Update 613.153 KB
NOAA Asset Pass Update 1095.931 KB
Savannah, GA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
2014 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes 174.758 KB
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2014 RVOC Annual Meeting Agenda 35.18 KB