The second module of the UNOLS Shipboard Civility program is completed and available now.
Both Shipboard Civility videos are required viewing before participating in an expedition aboard a UNOLS designated vessel. They can be streamed online or downloaded for viewing offline. It is the hope of the creators that the videos will be viewed before coming to the vessel. Please refer to it and point out the locations of your module III posters during ship orientations.
The focus of the second video is to empower individuals to interrupt the continuum of harm early and to encourage respectful dialogue among shipmates. The scenarios have been carefully constructed to be representative of common shipboard occurrences and viewers should be able to recognize some of their own behaviors on both sides of the scenarios. Individuals will take away different key points from these stories. Watching the videos together and taking the time to discuss it will help teams understand one another and encourage the kind of communication that leads to happy, productive expeditions.
A YouTube Playlist is available with both videos.
A description of them and the Shipboard Civility Program can be on the UNOLS website.