2024 DeSSC Spring Meeting
- 8 May - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- 9 May - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Carriage House, Quissett Campus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Lunch will be supplied on 8 May.
Conference Hotel
The conference hotel is the Inn on the Square. A block of room has been reserved at a special price. The cut-off of date for this room rate was 04/1/2024.
Meeting Registration
Please register for the meeting here: https://forms.gle/D8N7GQkz63zqkrFZA
Carriage House / Quissett Campus

Zoom Registration
For virtual participation, please register for the Zoom Meeting here: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkd-qgqzktGtZgqZ4XVKHX-VIVXyAfV05c
After registration you will receive login information.
We do not plan to record this meeting. If you are interested in a recording for later viewing, please let us know by COB 7 May 24.
Transportation to WHOI
Boston, Logan Airport to Falmouth / Inn on the Square:
There are 2 buses from Boston, Logan Airport to Falmouth / Inn on the Square. The bus is a comfortable, inexpensive and stressless way to get to Falmouth. They also have wi-fi. Have a look at the Peter Pan and P-B bus companies to see which fits best with your flights. If your flights arrive after the scheduled buses are available, car rental is available. Contact Bridget@unols.org to confirm.
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2024 Spring DeSSC Meeting Agenda | 277.388 KB |