

1993 FIC Spring Meeting

Meeting Site:
Stouffer Madison Hotel
515 Madison Street
Seattle, WA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Seattle, WA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1993 FIC Meeting Report Minutes (Spring) 11061.759 KB

1992 DESSC Planning Meeting

Meeting Site:
Gold A Room Holiday Inn Civic Center

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Deep Submergence Science Committee (DESSC)
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 DESSC Planning Meeting Summary Report (Winter) 7625.159 KB

1992 RVOC Annual Meeting

Meeting Site:
Verden Center
College of Marine Studies
Lewes, DE

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
Lewes, DE
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 RVOC Annual Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 11037.045 KB

1992 FIC Fall Meeting

Meeting Site:
Martin Johnson House Conference Center
Scripps Institution of Oceaography
La Jolla, CA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
La Jolla, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 FIC Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 13150.454 KB

1992 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting

Meeting Site:
Alton Jones Campus
University of Rhode Island
West Greenwich, RI

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
West Greenwich, RI
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 UNOLS Council Meeting Summary Report (Summer) 23535.152 KB

1992 Alvin Review Committee Meeting

Meeting Site:
Carriage House
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Woods Hole, MA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 ARC Meeting Summary Report (Spring) 23341.02 KB

1992 FIC Spring Meeting

Meeting Site:
National Association of State Universities
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
Washington, DC
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1992 FIC Meeting Summary Report (Spring) 10120.647 KB

1991 Alvin Planning Meeting

Meeting Site:
Japanese Pavilion
Cathedral Hill Hotel
Van Ness & Geary
San Francisco, CA

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

San Francisco, CA
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1991 Alvin Planning Meeting Summary Report (Winter) 10057.616 KB

1991 FIC Fall Meeting

Meeting Site:
Alton Jones Campus, University of Rhode Island
West Greenwich, RI

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Fleet Improvement Committee (FIC)
West Greenwich, RI
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1991 FIC Meeting Summary Report (Fall) 11605.625 KB

1991 RVOC Annual Meeting

Meeting Site:
Empress Hotel Convention Center
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events.  We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.

Committee Reference
Research Vessel Operators Committee (RVOC)
British Columbia, Canada
Meeting Minutes
Attachment Size
1991 RVOC Annual Meeting Minutes (Fall) 12295.168 KB