Meeting Site: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Carriage House Woods Hole, MA
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Miami, Florida
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: University of Miami, RSMAS Dean's Conference Room
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: On Board USCGC HEALY Science Conference Room Seattle, Washington
Accomodations: University Towers (formerly Meany Towers) aka Edmond Meany Hotel 4507 Brooklyn Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 634-2000
Hotel Seattle 315 Seneca St. Seattle WA 98101 206-623-5110
Price is $80 - $86 year round Review from Joe Coburn:It was OK. No restaurant & no parking. Plenty of both very nearby.
Hotel Edgewater 2411 Alaskan Way Pier 67 Seattle, WA 206-269-4570 A little pricy, You should ask for the Federal Per Diem rate otherwise it could be over $150
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
San Francisco, CA
2002 AICC Townhall Meeting - Cancelled
Committee Reference
Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee (AICC)
2002 DESSC Fall Meeting
Meeting Site: Hotel Cosmo (415) 673-6040 761 Post Street San Francisco, CA
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
San Antonio, TX
2002 Winter OCE Panels
Meeting Site: National Science Foundation Arlington, VA
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.