Meeting Site: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Redfield Auditorium Water Street Woods Hole, MA
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Committee Reference
Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee (RVTEC)
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Woods Hole, MA
2006 UNOLS Annual Meeting
Meeting Site: National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard - Room 1235 Arlington, VA 22230
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: National Science Foundation - Room 1235 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard - Room 1235 Arlington, VA 22230
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Meeting Site: The National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1235 Arlington, VA 22230
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Tasmania, Australia
2006 80th U.S. Arctic Research Commission Meeting
Meeting Site: Barrow and Anchorage, AK
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Anchorage, AK
2006 UNOLS Summer Council Meeting
Meeting Site: Phone/Web Conference
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.
Accomodations: The Fairmont Empress 721 Government Street Victoria, BC V8W 1W5 Phone: 250-384-8111 or 800-441-1414, Fax: 250-389-2747 Standard Rooms: $206.00 CDN (single/double) Reservation Cut-off Date: May 4, 2006
Royal Scot Suite Hotel 425 Quebec St. Victoria BC V8V 1W7 Phone: 250-388-5463, Fax: 250-388-5452 Standard Suite Room: $162 CDN (single/double) Reservation Cut-off Date: May 15, 2006
Chateau Victoria Hotel and Suites 740 Burdett Street Victoria, BC V8W 1B2 Phone: 800-663-5891, Fax: 250-380-1950 Standard Room: $117.00 CDN, (single/double), Suite: $152 CDN, (single/double) Reservation Cut-off Date: May 4, 2006
As a URI-Certified Green Office, UNOLS strives to host environmentally sustainable events. We respectfully request that you consider bringing a reusable travel mug and water bottle to the event.